In the process of looking for a gas starving problem in this chev 350 I/o I may have messed up the carb but not sure......bought a carb kit,installed some of the parts(rochester 4 bl)not a pro on the carb mind you.The engine is good and tight and ran excellent before the missing problem, as for the gas starving I found four leaves in the gas tank and that problem is solved.Now for engine performance ...idle okay but taking off with full load 21 foot '82 sonic (heavy boat) and putting throttle all the way down and men up front can't get on plane for 5 minutes, use to be only seconds .This engine is a late 60's and has points and something else is strange ,engine is running hotter than before and rpm is only 3300rpm on plane wot and after a 30 minute run and shut down and on restart the battery sounds like its close to being dead but 5 minute rest starts fine.I did move distributer in looking for the original problem.Is it better to have gas pushed or pulled through a fuel separator cannister? have changed fuel pump ,fuel hoses.The carter fuel pump has a hose going to carb. Thanks for considering