Sorry for the repost. I got this in Boats and could not get it to delete...<br /><br />In an attempt to get rid of excessive vibration on turning/trimming, I removed my lower and upper outdrive to replace the U-joints. Unfortunatly, they are tight, no play . I then shook the bell housing and it has noticable play. Then I looked at the lower gimble and the upper part of the lower bearing is broken off and corroded . How hard is it to remove the gimble (assuming I can find a replacement) and get a new one aligned up again? Do boat repair places rent alignment tools? I'm sure NAPA doesn't carry them, or do they? Also, I have a crack that looks like a manufacturing defect on the side of the upper unit in the ribbed area (non-stress area). Should the upper unit be replaced, heli-arced or would Liquid Steel do the trick? And, finaly, how the heck do you replace the bellows for the driveshaft and exhaust?<br /><br />Thanks in advance.