Merc V200 (1979) Starting Issue - Starter not pushing up

Mar 6, 2012
Morning guys, excuse me, but I'm by no means a mechanic. I do enjoy tinkering however I try to leanr a bit about how things work before diving in too much... I have an older 1979 Merc V200 outboard. It has been giving me problems (mostly cold starting). When I turn the key the starterd rod (I'm not familiar with the proper terms so again I apologize) tries to push up to engage the flywheel but stops just before. I didn't realize this till I was putting her away when my dad took a look and seen this was the issue. It is a newer starter, the boat came with two, I switched thinking it was a bad starter. However, it seems that the problem is that the rods stroke isn't going full up into the teeth of the flywheel and thus doesn't turn the motor over. The problem is way worse during cold starts (which has me stumped)... I would sit at the dock and continually try to get it to fire, eventually (I don't know how) it would grab and turn over. Otherwise the starter just spins and winds out....

I was digging around the forums for topics, but not knowing the proper terminology had me more confused... If anyone can help me out I'd greatly appreciate it. It's kind of embarrassing trying to fire her up at the dock haha...

Thanks again and take care!

Kyle Johnston
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Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
If your battery is good and fully charged ( have it load tested ) do as follows--------Take the starter apart. Very easy to inspect clean and test the armature on these.---No need to be afraid of this because 12 volts is involved.
Mar 6, 2012
Thank you racerone, I have a couple questions about that... Obviously I should disconnect the battery (I keep them fully charged and properly conditioned with a fairly expensive onboard charging system)... I''ve swapped out all three batteries as well, so I don't think it's the battery; I gue4ss crazier things have happened though haha...

Is the armature the rod that moves up and down vertically? I know someone said it could be the bendix spring? I'm worried that taking it apart may cause springs to go flying haha...

Once apart how would you suggest to test it...? Hook it back up to the battery? Thanks again a ton! I'm nervous about electricity, knowing it's only 12V helps a bit, but I just don't want to further damage it or have something fly out...

Thanks for the clarification!



Supreme Mariner
Dec 28, 2013
The armature is the part that spins..----No need to worry about thing going flying away.----Take the starter apart and inspect.---After you are done learning about these starters you will say ---" that was easy "
Mar 6, 2012
Thanks again Racerone, I will start the project soon and let you know how it goes! Appreciate the help tremendously!


Jul 7, 2010
I have worked on those type starters and made this tool from an old CD drive case; your dimensions might be slightly different.
Mar 6, 2012
thank you so much Merc850! I appreciate all the help I can get! Helps me visualize what I`m getting into... watched a couple youtube videos too... hope I can get it done without having to buy a starter haha....thanks again and take care!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 2, 2015
As raceron said, I'll bet you say "that was easy".

A cleaned up starter may well bang the motor round much faster which should help you cold start problems.

Don't do what I did and ignore the alignment marks (post 6), they make sure the starter frame goes back the right way up. Upside down and the motor will spin backwards, :facepalm:.
Get rid of any corroded metal stuck to the magnets in the starter housing.
Make sure the brushes are at least 1/4 inch, if not replace with new.
If you don't have a compressor a bike pump will make short work of blowing all the carbon dust from the components.
Lastly also make sure the bendix (the bit with the teeth that engage the flywheel) can move freely up and down on the shaft. If not clean it up the helix on the shaft until you can move the bendix up and down with a little finger pressure, then lubricate it with a bit of oil.

Mar 6, 2012
Thanks David for the additional pointers! I'm hoping to tackle it this coming weekend or next.... I will keep you posted with regards to my hopeful success, or failure lol... take care!
Mar 6, 2012
Well boys.... I cleaned it up and got it back together.... lubed the bendix spring and shes a grabbing now! Thanks again!

Appreciate all the help guys!

Kyle Johnston