Merc Trim Pump relief valve cleaning and replacement need advice.


Aug 7, 2011
So I had some problem with my trim pump relieving pressure on quick direction change. I went ahead and dissambled the OIL pump. I pulled the pressure relief valves off and they were real dirty. The reservoir itself had a pound of dirt at the bottom ! no wonder it would sometimes bleed pressure !

Anyhow the problems comes from the fact that I did not count how many turns or how far in those reliefs valves were and did not know they were calibrated that way. I do not have the pressure test kit from Merc and all local marina's here just tell me to change the whole assembly for 600$ ... I don't think so.

Any tips ?

A friend and I were thinking to leave them screw out quite a bit , hook the thing up to a gauge and work our way to 2500psi on one side and 500 the other side by turning the reliefs valves in a turn at the time... ?

Crap in the tank !


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Merc Trim Pump relief valve cleaning and replacement need advice.

Would you care to divulge the year and HP of the motor? Is it OB or I/O?