Re: Merc O/B water temp ??????
Hello, I just bought a mercury 150 V6 and was concerned about my water temp. coming from the t-tale. i called the dealer and he told me this was normal and still not satisfied i called mercury marine and spoke to a service tech. I could not leave my hand in the stream of water longer than 2 seconds without pulling away. Mercury Marine Co. told me that the thermostats would not open until 140 degrees which is HOT water. They also told me that the engine could operate with regular throtle as high as 170 degrees with no problem and i should not be concerned. This just seemed very hot to me until it explained to me that most mercury's circulate water around the block which makes the water out of the t-tale extremely hot. the answer to your question is 150-170 normal operation should be OK. Also take your cover off and touch your block (carefully) it should not blister you, if it does seek dealer help. Good Luck...