Re: Merc Lower Unit - Grease Nipple?
I have the same thing --- plus another I can see way back inside with the prop off --- as a rookie - I attempted to fill them assuming that the belonged there. I could not reach the deep one, only the one near the prop ---

-- adjusted the idle mix and took it on the water and noticed a squeal, intermittent below the engine noise. I had not had the boat in the water since '08 and was not sure if perhaps the idle mix was too lean. My boy could not hear it. After perusing the site (newbie here) I drained the lower unit oil. Looks like grease is mixed in.

-- Can a rookie reseal a lower unit if seals are broke? I am concerned I own a money pit. I actually like the boat - It really moves.
I don't work on cars or boats. I can do simple stuff. I initially started poking around the site to see how hard a carb rebuild would be.
I know this is an old thread. I am just hoping someone sees it.
1979 Merc 115 straight six.
Why would someone put grease nipples on a lower unit to fix seals (if that's the cast) then pawn it off on someone else. Geez.............
I am thinking I may have to sell it. However, I don't want to pawn an issue off to someone else without either fixing it or telling them what's wrong with it. I will also have to check how much oil should be in there and compare to how much I was able to drain.