Merc 888 Gimbal Ring replacing tips????????


Jun 17, 2007
On the way to the lake yesterday my buddy rear ended my boat and busted a few things but the main one that keeps me from using it is the Gimbal Ring.

I'm probbaly going to be tackeling this project of replacing it this week. Does anyone have any tips that might save me any time, or help keep me from throwing tools across the yard, or pulling any more of my hair out?

I have been searching online all afternoon and from what I gather this is not a simple unbolt a few things replace and reverse procedure to put it back together.

I am not a stranger to wrenching but on this I've only been as fas as removing the gimbal, I did not take the gimbal ring loose. From what I'm reading so far I have to drill 1" holes in the gimbal housing to gain acess to the retaining nuts. Is this true?
I may have to buy a repair manual for this project.....

Any leads for information of what I'm getting myself into, or experince tips either one, including an easy ways to put the bellows back on, would greatly be appreciated.