Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load


Dec 14, 2004
Hi guys<br /><br />If anyone could help me out with this problem i'd be very grateful. My 1976 Merc 850 Outboard runs good for about 1/2 hour after startup but when its put under any load (such as pulling someone out of the water) it really struggles and seems to lose heaps of power. When not under any load it will plane and reach top speed with no trouble. At the moment we can slowly drag someone behind the boat at 2500 rpm for about 5 secs then slowly put the foot down and about 1/2 the time it will pick up and go. Could the be a problem with the coil shorting out when it heats up or have a bad ground??? <br /><br />The engine has just been rebuilt and has a new trigger so that shouldn't be the problem. Its really strange has this only happens after about 1/2 hour after the engine has been running on the lake.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

Long but can't help it.<br /><br />You may be on to something with the 1/2 hour part. Have 3 senario's.<br /><br />1.You could also have a fuel supply problem which could include dirty filters but most importantly, a "non" vented fuel tank. After 30 min you could suck down to a vacuum (sorta) and make large fuel supply requirements (that you would need under load) a problem. When you shut off the engine, the tank has time to suck some air (from where ever....the supposedly from the vent the tank has or should have) so it is ready for another 30 min round.....or<br /><br />I have had clogging problems with alcohol based fuel drying agents that are supposed to absorb any water that has accumulated in the tank. In one instance it had jelled (accumulated the water like it was designed to do) but was such a goey mess that it clogged the fuel line just prior to the engine connector, thus starving the engine for fuel.<br /><br />So first insure you have adequate fuel.<br /><br /><br />2. If you have a thermostat, it could be stuck, but not likely with your symptons, but don't overlook thermostats.....I find that 2 cy OB thermostats are a problem....I take mine out (Texas). Had problems with 2 for 2 and they were young engines used in fresh water. (One OMC other Merc). <br /><br />3. Coils are very good at dieing after 30 min. I am a retired engineer and worked magnetics for 46 years, thought I knew them inside and out, but still don't understand the process where an ignition coil heats up and quits working; but they can and do and do it on outboards. <br /><br />Don't know if the insulation wears off the wires (varnish) and heat causes the wires to expand and touch or that there is a problem in the connections expanding and becoming loose. Regardless the coil could definitely be a problem.<br /><br />Multi-cylinder 2 cyle engines like your 850 are very hard to detect missing cylinder firings, but the performance you are talking about could clearly be that. Loss of 1 or 2 cylinders could definitely do it. <br /><br />Weak spark or marginal plugs could also be the culprit. The fact that you can get it to recover by nursing it suggests that you have plugs that are trying to foul out (due to plug problems and possibly weak spark) but aren't able to when you don't smother them with fuel you would do when you hit it in the hole. Don't remember if they still had points in '76 but bad points could be the problem.<br /><br />I'm going to go for plug not firing (for whatever reason)as your root problem.<br /><br />If you could put it in a test tank and put it under load, you could put (lay)a small neon bulb (NE51...Radio Shack) on the sparkplug wire near the plug, while it is running and if you are getting spark to that wire it will glow orange. The brightness depends on the amount of voltage it gets. You can move up and down the block and see if all plugs light the bulb evenly insuring that you put it in the same place on each wire to sense the same field intensity....if it is there.<br /><br />Good luck,<br /><br />Mark


Dec 14, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

Thanks for the reply mate. I also think one or two are not firing which is causing the engine to lose power. I replaced the plugs with news ones yesterday but it still the same problem. I don't understand why when it has no one behind it it will get up and go fine but as soon as a skiers puts any weight on it it really starts to struggle???


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

Start at the beginning-do a compression test (all should be within 10% of each other) then clean your entire fuel system out-if you're not running from a portable tank try a portable tank.Remake all your electrical connections-it won't take long and if it's been rebuilt then connections have been disturbed.<br /><br />Easier way to check if it's firing is to run it on the water with a timing light connected to each plug lead at a time-you'll see a persistent misfire-just make sure someone else is driving while you stare at the flashing light... :)


Dec 14, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

The compression on each of the cylinders is fine. I don't think it is a fuel problem because it will run fine for 1/2 hour then start to lose power. I noticed my tacho dropped out the other day after running it fairly hard after a while. Will this happen because it is getting too hot and not grounding properly anymore, because maybe this is what is happening with the coil..???


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

As far as I know the tach runs from the alternator so there shouldn't be any obvious connection there-unless you've got the rectifier ground and the coil ground connected to the same place and that earth is bad.<br /><br /> Texasmark might be right about non-venting. It's quite feasable for you to be able to run for 1/2 hour with a partially blocked tank breather-and the symptoms are identical to your description. Does your fuel tank suck loads of air in when you take the cap off?


Dec 14, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

The tank is a built in stain less steel one and i'm pretty sure it would be venting ok.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

Originally posted by Nial:<br /> The tank is a built in stain less steel one and i'm pretty sure it would be venting ok.
Unless you check you don't know that it is. Check it.You can't make an informed diagnosis without knowing all the information is correct.


Dec 14, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

I checked the fuel tank and it vents ok, the bulb has never sunken in either which would indicate the tank is not vented. Could it be a power pack problem or coil problem?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 4, 2005
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

From what you've said here: You have spark, compression, and fuel ==> it should run.<br /><br />Since the engine tends to fall on its face while giving it throttle insteading giving you a roaring hole shot I think a lync. & sync might be in order here. <br /><br />Once the old topics get back online here at iboats, do a search for lync. & sync. Look for Clams Canino's post, it is the best. <br /><br />-andy


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

Nial, It is possible that you motor is propped too high. I had a merc 1500 (6 cyl inline), that ran fine with passengers using a 23" pitch prop. When I attempted to pull a skiier, it would not rev beyond idle. Changed the prop to 21" pith and I could pull two skiiers.


Dec 14, 2004
Re: Merc 850 (85hp) Outboard No Power Under Load

I think the prop is ok because it has pulled well on it before. Its in the shop now, the mech said one coil could be the problem but he gonna test them and get back to us. Only bummer is its gonna take about 2 weeks.