Hello eveyone, Joined today after reading posts on this site and believe there is a good crowd here to answer ?
I hate to beat a dead horse but just purchased a boat with a 1984 merc 470 and understand some of the problems with this engine,but here's a stumper for me. The engine runs smooth when looked at before the purchase.Got it home and put the muff to it and started to warm up to change the oil.When I pulled the dipstick I had the dreaded milky oil.Sucked it all out,pulled the filter and did a compression test....."1 cyl.120..."2-125...3-125...4-135.Installed new plugs,oil,zinc and filter ran for 5 mins and milk is back. Now let me add when I removed the first oil that was bad I got way to much ..like 2 gals. Antifreeze looks fine and none lost.So here's the real ?. Is it possible that not starting the engine first and running water with the muff that it got in through the exhaust?
I hate to beat a dead horse but just purchased a boat with a 1984 merc 470 and understand some of the problems with this engine,but here's a stumper for me. The engine runs smooth when looked at before the purchase.Got it home and put the muff to it and started to warm up to change the oil.When I pulled the dipstick I had the dreaded milky oil.Sucked it all out,pulled the filter and did a compression test....."1 cyl.120..."2-125...3-125...4-135.Installed new plugs,oil,zinc and filter ran for 5 mins and milk is back. Now let me add when I removed the first oil that was bad I got way to much ..like 2 gals. Antifreeze looks fine and none lost.So here's the real ?. Is it possible that not starting the engine first and running water with the muff that it got in through the exhaust?