Re: Merc 2bbl carb overhaul
I AH took it all apart and use carb cleaner to clean every little hole? Why do you ask?
Very simple reason. There are a lot of DIYers that visit this site that think taking a carb apart and sloshing it around in a pan of gasoline with a old paint brush, then letting it air dry, is a proper cleaning. Then just putting in a rebuild kit should make it a perfect carb. The chances of success with that type of cleaning is very close to
So if after "using carb cleaner and cleaning every hole", (which really doesn't mean much) doesn't work, don't be surprised.
Soaking carb parts in carb cleaner, then using compressed air to clean the passages, then verifying each and every passage is how it's done by real techs. Personally, I also use an Ultra sonic cleaner for final cleaning.
There is also a lot more to a carb overhaul kit than a few gaskets and sticking it all back together.
At best, rebuilding is a 50/50 chance of success.