mechanics question


Nov 12, 2008
Okay guys heres my question and it may be ME personally ,thats why I'm asking.There is an old saying in this field"the repair is the easy part,its the diagnosis thats hard".Now,with that in mind I would like to ask,how come I can sit here at nite after work and help others with thier problems and the answers seem to come easy,but when I'm on the road,I seem to hit a wall for the answer?Could it be that the problem is explained more thoroughly then the explanation from a customer,or could it be that I don't feel any pressure?need some advise from the "OLDER" guys on this .Thanks:redface:

Lone Duck

Master Chief Petty Officer
Oct 17, 2007
Re: mechanics question

Okay guys heres my question and it may be ME personally ,thats why I'm asking.There is an old saying in this field"the repair is the easy part,its the diagnosis thats hard".Now,with that in mind I would like to ask,how come I can sit here at nite after work and help others with thier problems and the answers seem to come easy,but when I'm on the road,I seem to hit a wall for the answer?Could it be that the problem is explained more thoroughly then the explanation from a customer,or could it be that I don't feel any pressure?need some advise from the "OLDER" guys on this .Thanks:redface:
It is all the yapping and distractions from the customer thats your problem. I used to tell them to go have a coffee while I check things out. Thats why customers are not allowed in the back of a shop where the work is being done. Heh Heh! get them to write it out then get lost.:D


Sep 10, 2004
Re: mechanics question

I just did a post search on your answers, if you do the same you will know why you find it difficult to answer real mechanical problems. The answers that you have posted are not answers they are talk, which is nice but don't solve problems.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2007
Re: mechanics question

very good laddies,, you hit the nail on the head,, they should click on they nic and check the replies they posted,, was hoping they chain would jerked


Oct 6, 2007
Re: mechanics question

It's always easier calling shots when you don't have to get your hands dirty.
Dec 18, 2008
Technician's answer

Technician's answer

When you have good technical knowlege of any piece of marine equipment, you will have no difficulty diagnosing any electrical, hydraulic or mechanical fault. When you find yourself 'Barren of Graymatter', a factory service manual works wonders.

2nd recourse; Call your local dealerships and bug the mechanics there. Pin them down, and make them give you an answer to your problems. That's why they have a dealership- To help their competition undercut them, and get work in these hard times. Hey, you buy spark plugs from them, don't you?

Last resort; Get on an internet forum. (Like this, huh?) There's bound to be a 'professional' that feels sorry for some guy in need of beer money, and will help you out.

Remember; You told the customer you could fix it before you started working on it, right?!!

gary - k7gld

Seaman Apprentice
Jul 25, 2008
Re: mechanics question

I just did a post search on your answers, if you do the same you will know why you find it difficult to answer real mechanical problems. The answers that you have posted are not answers they are talk, which is nice but don't solve problems.

OH BOY, ain't THAT the truth!

Not picking on the originator of THIS thread, but I've sure experienced the "NON-answer" reply from supposed "experts" on another forum on this board!

IF the "experts" really don't have a helpful and appropriate response to a specific issue or question, they'd be of FAR more benefit just keeping quiet, than just falling back on the "take it to a dealer", or "buy a service manual" mode of operation.

Many users here live a long way off from professional help, and if they only have a single issue, it may well not be practical to find and buy a service manual - besides, isn't real-word help what this board's various forums are all about?

Otherwise, might as well top each forum with the "Take it to a dealer", and "Buy a service manual", and then lock the forums down! ;):rolleyes:

Dealer service, and service manuals certainly have their place - but often, just a quick and reasonably accurate *helpful* reply is all that's needed - or wanted!