McCulloch Shear Pin Needed


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
So finally got the 14 HP out on the lake today and all it did was rev, but no thrust. Took it back home to find the shear pin has been trashed. Don't think I did it, so it must have came this way.
So can I buy one of these somewhere? Anybody have a p/n or know of another brand of motor that has one that fits? Pretty sure I can make one. Thought about cutting off a nail and sticking it in there, but didn't want to screw anything up. What would work good to make one? Welding rod maybe? I know it should be kind of soft. Motor is a '66 and the model no is 60160. Or it could be: 574 - 60160

Also do marinas typically carry these? Can I possibly just match it up?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
The one I need is bronze or brass and measures: 5/32"x1" Was afraid to put a nail in there, I just don't think a nail would ever shear. Found that a #10 stove bolt was just slightly over-sized. Dug up a brass/bronze one and cut it off. Peened it down to size on an anvil, by folding the threads over. A bit crude, but hey I got it buttoned back up and ready to go. Just don't know how long this will last. I'm quite sure it would shear if needed. Just hope a WOT blast won't twist it off. Actually I made two pins, the second though I think must be stainless. Too hard to be aluminum like originally thought it was. Much harder than the other. Keeping it handy just in case.


  • McCulloch Shear Pin 11.jpg
    McCulloch Shear Pin 11.jpg
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  • McCulloch Shear Pin 12.jpg
    McCulloch Shear Pin 12.jpg
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Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
I had a brass bolt, that's what I made the pin out of. As for a brass drive pin, do hardware stores have those? That sure would be convenient. I did manage to figure out what replacement I need and it's not brass at all. That may explain why this pin didn't last. If can't find one at the marina, guess I'll be ordering off of ebay. I'd really like to get the proper part installed. This limping back with the trolling motor is getting old....LOL


  • McCulloch Shear Pin 02.jpg
    McCulloch Shear Pin 02.jpg
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robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
I just buy a piece of maybe 1/8 inch brass rod and hack saw several pins to have in my tool box….very easy and simple!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
What size motor do you have? I suspect brass is too soft for McCulloch and maybe the torque just simply twisted the last one into pieces. Where do you get your brass rods at? What is that stuff used for?


Vice Admiral
Jul 22, 2008
Brass comes in different degrees of hardness so just make up a few from round stock availiable at many hardware stores or places like Tractor Supply. If you have a local machine shop, take them a box of donuts as they may well have some scrap brass rods


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
Damnit anyway, the ones I ordered are too big! Maybe because the motor was actually branded Sears to begin with. Brain fart on my part I guess, but figured they'd be the same. A friend is sending me the correct part and guess I'll keep my home-made ones for spares. My thing is I don't want to put something in there that is so strong that if the prop stops for some reason the gears get munched. Maybe I'm over-thinking this.


Vice Admiral
Jul 22, 2008
If you use aluminum or brass pins your good....steel can work if it is soft, on larger powered motors steel might work, but on smaller motors use softer material. If needed a small brass screw can be used, carry a couple for spares while you get proper ones made or ordered.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 27, 2022
Thanks for the advice. What I did was found two screws that a magnet wouldn't stick to and fashioned them into pins. Thought one was aluminum, but it was so hard that I now think it must be stainless. I have that one in there now. Guess I won't try it.