After digging into my MC-1 transom assembly, I don't know if it will be cost effective to repair it, or just upgrade to an Alpha 1 or 2.<br /><br />My local shop is still checking my lower drive. I think it's OK to rebuild, but if my transom assembly is toast, I might as well just get a newer unit as the MC-1's are obsolete.<br /><br />I read somewhere you have to modify to accomodate the Aplha 1, and REALLY modify for the Aplha 2. So what exactly do I have to modify?<br /><br />I have a strong 233 Mercruiser engine (351W).<br />Looks like the original owner stuffed a new engine in and forgot about the rest!<br /><br />What can I use my MC-1 drive on? Will it fit an Aplha 1?<br /><br />How about my MC-1 bellhousing. Will it work on an Alpha transom assembly?<br /><br />Also, where can a person get a rebuilt complete transom assembly/drive combo?<br /><br />(I think I've asked this before, but I can't find my post...Sorry)<br /><br />Thanks,<br /><br />Homer