Need your help. Have a 2001 Bennington pontoon with a 2000 Honda BF115. It has run very well since we bought the boat in May. Last night, it started fine for a late night cruise. Only made it about 100 yards at no wake speed before it died. Could not restart it. Tried again this morning and no fire. It acts like the kill switch is not connected. But I've monkeyed with it and it seems fine.<br /><br />- It cranks freely. It just won't fire.<br />- Pulled a plug and verified I have spark. It may be weak though. Tough to tell in the sunlight.<br />- Pulled the rest of the plugs. All were slightly wet and black. Dried them with a match, wire brushed them clean and blew them out with an air compressor. Still won't fire. It's fuel injected, but it acts like it is flooding.<br />- Pulled plugs again, put a shot of starting fluid in each cylinder. Still won't fire.<br />- Have half a tank of fuel. I am considering it may be water in the fuel, but it ran fine for the first half tank. Tried to siphon out some gas to check for water. Only got a few drops out. Not sure I was pulling from the bottom of the tank, but think I was. Didn't see water.<br />- Don't know if it could be a cause, but we had over 2 inches of rain yesterday. I don't see how that could be the problem, but I'll throw it out there.<br />- The motor has alarms and protective shut down mode for lack of oil pressure or overheating. No indicators of either problem. It's got plenty of oil and I have checked the water intake and it's clear.<br /><br />Oh -- we're hosting my wife's family reunion starting this Friday. We're going to have 24 house guests. I HAVE to have this boat running by then. All the mechanics in this area are back logged for about four weeks.<br /><br />What else should I be checking? <br /><br />TIA (Thanks in advance)