Maybe No Boating on Lake Hartwell This Summer


Sep 24, 2004
Water down about 10 feet. Rainy weather has returned. Just not sure it will be enough to stop the power generation, heat and evaporation from zapping the Lake. COE has been good about trying to hold it steady to 10 or 11 feet down. Now comes their real test when the heat sets in. We need a LOT more rain. Last year was just a terrible heat wave and drought season. Still had use of the lake most of the time. But we didn't start off in a hole like now. Bass boats fare well at 10 or 11. Just not many ramps to put in at.


Mar 23, 2017
Everyone seems to be scared about Hartwell and Lanier being down 10 feet. Remember both lakes are one very 100 feet in depth. Granted Hartwell is shallower in more spots but there still is plenty of water. These low levels are not just due to drought but due to repairs just as much.


Sep 24, 2004
There are only 2 ramps open on the SC side, I think. Many docks high and dry. Hartwell is not a clear cut lake. There are many obstacles hidden just under the water in many places. Stumps, trees, sandbars etc. Many pleasure boaters just don't want to take the risk. Boating is suppose to be relaxing. Not worrying about obstacles where you never would have expected them to be. Some skier falling on a jagged tree top. But anyway winter and Spring are usually our rainy seasons. Summer is usually dry with no action in the Tropics. So starting down 10 or 11 feet going into the hot and dry season is NOT a good thing. I think the deepest part of Hartwell is near the dam at close to 200 ft. The way the lake is laid out you can go from 60 feet to 2 feet in a heart beat. You can make an expensive mistake. I hit something one time in front of the double bridges. Had no idea it was shallow near the bridge divider
Many fingers at hartwell. Shallow water narrows them. So you and other boats come pretty close to each other when traversing them. Of course many other boaters are drunk and going too fast...Not good either in such tight areas
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Sep 24, 2004
I guess it depends on how close you live to LH and Keowee. I am sure Keowee with get a good many from LH if the water gets much lower. The COE has been good to hold it to around 10' down. Should have raised it for spawning season and to give us a fight chance for a normal boating year. We have had some good rains that didn't move the lake up any. I guess it is going to take a week or 2 of flooding rains. Low lake levels are happening on a regular basis now. Seemed to happen about every 10 years back in the 60s 70s and 80s


Sep 24, 2004
Cold in April. A lot of rain. Really hasn't buged Lake Hartwell. Lake Russell down stream has gone up a foot or more. Yea got to keep that lake full Cha Ching, power sales. Sick of this cold weather . Bring on some steady warm weather. This back and forth isn't good for us mentally or physically. Love the rain though. Looks like it could still freeze with this back and forth bs. So haven't worked to get the boat ready. The Lake is not ready either


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Talk about back and forth weather ... 2 days ago it was in the mid 60's and sunny. Yesterday was lower 50's and rain (over an inch). Today it is in the 30's and snowing (just had near whiteout conditions on a 5 minute squall that came through and the sun is out now). Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and upper 50's, Sunday in the lower 70's and Monday in the lower 80's! Talk about a yo-yo! I might have the engine back on the boat by next week ... will see how the weekend goes ... the motor is rebuilt and hung, just have to finish the hook ups and then break it in! Anxious to see how much difference the 140 makes over the 115 on my sled.

In the fall Raystown was 5 feet below normal and several ramps were closed. Now we are above normal!