maybe idea for foam


Sep 23, 2003
i have been thinking after reading all the topics on floor foam what would happen if ya used like a super strong plastic bag in the cells then poke the bag opening throught the wood floor fill the foam then glass over the fill hole? please leave input since i will be at that stage in few weeks tks


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: maybe idea for foam

What happens when you Screw down the new seats,+ Punture this Heavy Duty Bag ???????


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: maybe idea for foam

Keep it simple. When you are glassing in the stringers, use plenty of resin, make sure the wood is good and saturated, and leave no exposed wood whatsoever. Every last inch gets glass, all the way to the tops of the stringers. Use strips of resin soaked mat on the stringer tops when laying the floor, and make sure the underside of the floor wood is thoroughly soaked with resin. Glass the floor in really well, again, with no bare wood exposed. If you are using 2 part foam and plan on pouring through holes, you will need to run 2 inch holes every two feet above every void you are foaming. Elevate the bow as high as you can get it. This causes the liquid to run towards the transom. Mix foam in 1 cup per part increments, and start at the hole closest to the transom. Pour and let fully expand. Once the foam gets to the hole, take the cutout from the holesaw you should have used and place in in the hole. Place a heavy object on top of the plug, and proceed to the next hole. Keep doing this in increments, and the voids will be completely filled with foam without worry of leaving open areas or blowing out the floor or bulging the hull. Use gloves, that stuff stick to skin FOREVER. I had to chew the crap off of my hands, tough lesson to learn. You must work quickly, once you mix the two parts, it needs to be where it needs to be within 45 seconds or you have an expanding mess in your mixing pot. Good luck...