Maximum Trim Down?


Jul 9, 2013
I have a 2000 Campion 525 with a 3L Mercruiser. I've noticed (or I think I've noticed) that the boat is harder to get up on plane, especially if there are a few adults in the back half. This could have always been like this, maybe just a balance of weight thing, I don't exactly remember. I feel like when I take off from a full stop that the nose goes pretty nigh in the air, more than I remember in years past.

Is it possible that the trim setting could have changed on its own, and that the engine doesn't trim down quite as far as it used to, thereby forcing the nose up at full down position instead of level, or even slightly down?

Is there a way to measure the position of the foot at the full down position to determine if its set correctly?

Rick Stephens

Aug 13, 2013
Not really possible. The trim system is hydraulic and typically either works, or doesn't

More likely is the stern is heavier from water intrusion. Or you are producing less horsepower. Or your guests are getting heavier :^)

A couple fixes. First, make sure your boat isn't getting foam soaked with water under the floor. Not sure how your boat is built, but if you can locate a as new weight, you can compare to what it weights now. Or you can drill some holes and see what you get. You can drill small holes and use 3M 5200 to plug them.

You can use a prop that has more lift. Or you can use a prop with less pitch that drives the boat up on plane faster. First step here is to see what your WOT speed and RPMs are. Then can make educated choices on propping different.

You can also add trim tabs. Trim tabs push the stern of the boat up. This can counteract some of the weight in the back.

Last, easiest, you can move people forward. Or not easy. Guess it depends on the people and how the boat is laid out.