Re: marvel oil
I think StaBil actually is a fuel conditioner, and it takes water and turns into alcohol--which is burned. Many people put StaBil in their tanks for the winter--thinking it'll keep their 90/10 gasoline/ethanol from breaking down. Unfortunately, StaBil actually breaks down faster than the 90/10.
Marvel Mystery Oil is truly a mystery. As the name says, it is an oil, and it's multi-use. You can put it into the crankcase of an old car/truck, and it'll dissolve grease and gunk--to be flushed out with the oil. You can use it as a penetrating oil--to break loss rusted bolts. You can also put it in your gas tank. You can essentially do the same thing with Liquid Wrench, Seafoam and some other products. I've never heard anything bad about it, however. I do think it has a place on an old truck engine, but probably is of little use in boats.