I have a 1986 mariner 60 3 cyl which used to be difficult to start and I suspected was running too hot especially on the top cyl. I had it checked by two different outboard mechanics both said there was nothing wrong with it.<br />Last time I took it out I limped back on two clyinders and after stripping it down discovered a slightly melted top piston. <br /><br />I have rebuilt the motor and have good equal compression on all clyinders. Also discovered the water temperature sender and warning buzzer was not working. I have replaced these. I also have rebuilt the water pump and the fuel pump.<br /><br />Problem now is it wont start. Battery is good. All coils are working fine and good spark to all spark plugs which are all ok. If I inject some fuel into the cylinders the engine will fire and gives a slight backfire into the exhaust if I keep cranking. <br /><br />I suspect that I have done something to the timing but as I do not have a timing light I cannot check exactly where the no 1 cylinder is currently firing. <br /><br />The manual that I have gives a timing of 22degrees BTDC on wide open throttle with the engine in gear. I cannot of course check this out.<br /><br />Any ideas. I am reluctant to take the motor back to the outboard mechanics.