Re: down
Navionics also sells desktop software for planning routes in addition to their mobile software & downloadable charts.
Not any longer. Received this from Navionics 2 weeks ago...
The Navionics PC App has been discontinued for sale. We have moved our planning tool to a free online viewer available now at WebApp | Navionics. Please visit our website and join us on Facebook for news on additional features and functionality to our online viewer coming soon!
I have their PC app, which came with 5 licenses. Couple of major computer crashes and a new laptop, and I'm down to 2 downloads remaining, which is why I wrote to them. I's a shame. I haven't seen another app as easy to use for basic stuff as that one. It's a bit dorky, but I can easily plot a route and drop it to a SD card for upload to my (non-Garmin) GPS.
Hopefully they're going to make the web app into something usable for plotting.