Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
I always knew owning a boat was a major maintenence pita but this boat has me ready to throw in the towel.. :mad:

Hoping some history and symptoms might help get a diagnosis from someone here:

A little quick history - this winter the block cracked on the outer water jacket under the exhaust manifold. Was a small crack, oil was clean so used some JB weld to repair and a month later seems to have help up perfectly. I changed the impeller about 2 weeks ago one day while it was out of the water, had a difficult time getting the halves back together but finally did - and reverse hasn't worked great since. (keep adjusting cable and sometimes it shifts sometimes it doesn't. (forward and neutral are fine). Last week after a lot of rain I found almost a foot of water in the bilge so I drained gas tank and changed oil twice and fuel filter. Finally get her running good again and probably got a good 4-5 hours of use yesterday - all seemed well. I'm OCD with watching the temp guage and never got hotter than 150. After sitting for 2-3 hours a group of my friends took the boat out without me and after only 5 minutes or so we saw them coming around the corner pretty slowly then smoke came pouring out of the engine compartment.. It was significant, looked like a fire from the shore! A couple of us got in paddle boats and pulled the boat back, the engine sounded like it was sizzling, I'm assuming the oil was actually boiling, after a half hour or so I checked the oil and it looked fine but it was thick like molassas.
I've been assuming there's a high likelihood the engine is toast now but decided to take a closer look this morning. I thought maybe something went wrong with the impeller so pulled the hose that comes from the transom to the water pump and started it up for a second - no water was coming out. Thought I'd confirmed the brand new impeller failed for some reason. Got it out of the water and dropped the lower and while there was much more carbon and scorching (including minor bubbling on the impeller housing and a completely melted guide tube) the impeller was fine. I could also tell there was definitely water in this cavity around the impeller housing and drive shaft.
I'd been wondering if all was ok with the exhaust and if an issue there would explain any of this. When I removed the manifold to repair the cracked block, I also replaced the riser gasket, I did notice that after that time, theres been a very small amount of water that trickles out from where the riser connects to the metal exhaust tube - was such a small amount didn't think i was a big deal. I never checked the exhaust flaps, not sure if they'd cause any of this.
Does all this connect in any way??


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Forgot To Add That The LOwer Rubber Sleeve That Connects The Exhaust Pipes Totally Baked Crispy When The Boat OverHeated While The Higher One That Connects To The Riser Seemed Fine, Could There Be A Blockage?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Going to need some engine and drive info.
What engine? Year? Raw water cooled, or closed system. Serial Numbers always a huge help.
What outdrive? Again, SN's very handy.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Going to need some engine and drive info.
What engine? Year? Raw water cooled, or closed system. Serial Numbers always a huge help.
What outdrive? Again, SN's very handy.

Sorry - I should know better by now.. It's A 1990 Searay 160 with a Mer 3.0 - Alpha One. Raw water cooled. Engine serial # is 2770087

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Engine serial # is 2770087

Might want to look at that serial number again. Bet that 2 is a letter.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Might want to look at that serial number again. Bet that 2 is a letter.

Double checked, pretty sure its a 2 - has GM stamped in it in big letters right below. Also says 89 off to the right of that a bit, assuming it's an 89 engine

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

That must not be a Mercruiser serial number, they were never stamped GM or have the year on the serial number tag above the starter. But it's not really that important now. 3.0 from 90 is close enough and we know it's an Alpha I drive.

What did the impeller look like. I know you said there was bubbling on the plastic housing, but you never mentioned what the impeller was like.


Dec 12, 2011
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Betcha the water pocket cover is toast


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

The Impeller Was fine To My Surprise. Where Is The Water Jacket Cover? Would That Explain My IssueS?


Dec 12, 2011
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

It is the place where the water from the water pump enters the upper half of the OD (the tube exiting the water pump enters the water pocket cover). On the Gen II they did away with that cover. Held in place with four bolts and has a gasket. Made of plastic. Melts/deforms on serious overheat.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

It is the place where the water from the water pump enters the upper half of the OD (the tube exiting the water pump enters the water pocket cover). On the Gen II they did away with that cover. Held in place with four bolts and has a gasket. Made of plastic. Melts/deforms on serious overheat.

Thanks for explaining - I assume that would explain why a good impeller wouldn't be able to pump water up through the transom - I'm assuming this is caused by another issue though? How did it get so hot so that would happen? And why would the lower rubber sleeve on the exhaust get completely toasted while the upper seems fine??


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

Any thoughts here or no? After doing a bunch or reading here and eslewhere, I'm assuming that there are multiple areas that were affected by the overheat like: water pocket cover and exhaust flappers but what I'm stuck on is cause vs affect - what would've caused such a big overheat in approx 5 minutes of running after around 10 hours of running with no issues. In the 3-4 trips out earlier that day even - I was OCD with the temp guage and it never went over 150ish. That last trip only took 5 minutes to peg it out so high that the oil was literally boiling..
If I can't determine what caused the overheat in the first place then there's little point in replacing any of these things that were affected. Really regretting getting an I/O at this point.:mad:


Dec 12, 2011
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

It could have been as simple as a plastic bag (or something similar) getting caught on the OD water inlets, long enough to cause overheat... Then the bag goes away and you are left with no evidence of cause.


Jun 18, 2013
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

I have a cooling problem, but may or may not be related - Any ideas would be great help.
Crusader 454, fresh water cooled, Raw water Risers

boat stopped pumping water out of starboard engine all of a sudden when I fired her up for the first time in 2 weeks. Boat until then has been running great

Replace the raw water pump with brand new one ? new impeller also.
Unconnected the hose from seacock ? check to get water there at seacock (YES)
Checked to see if at end of hose from seacock to water cooler ? getting water (YES)
Checked to see after water cooler if getting water (YES)
Checked to see if after water cooler ? hose to pump is getting water (yes)
Checked to see if pump is getting water (yes)
Checked to see if after pump, but before heat exchanger is getting water (Yes)
Checked to see if after heat exchanger is getting water to riser (Maybe ? this is where things start to get a little hairy)
WE tested this and I was not getting water past the heat exchanger ? however with a hose hooked out (tap water) I could get water through it.
When we opened the heat exchanger ? no water in it really and it should have been full.
Why when with a hose it works and when hooked up to boat water it doesn?t
Only thing I could think of is under pressure from hose ? it probably forces water in but the pressue is not enough from water pump and exchanger is clogged somehow ? however, only one of the ports in the exchanger looked clogged. Stuck wire through to clean a bit but didn't look clogged enough to stop all water from flowing through.

If we force water through the hose to the risers ? the water comes out of port on side of hull.
If we force water through the hose to the exchanger and to risers ? the water comes out of port on side of hull.

Captain Frustrated -


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 27, 2012
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

As I'm thinking about it now, I'm wondering if the flapper may have fallen down into the y-pipe and caused a blockage in the exhaust near that lower rubber sleeve that got scorched. The guy that was driving had said that the boat had significantly lost power for about 5-10 seconds before smoke came pouring out of the engine bay..


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 30, 2011
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

The loss of power was most likely due to the heat. When an engine gets that hot its near seizure and starts to tighten up.
Your buddy cooked your mill. Was the temp gauge working? I've found that you have to pay attention the the sounds, gauges and throttle to keep older boats happy. I've never been lucky enough to have an old boat that would just run all sumer without me paying attention all the time.


Dec 12, 2011
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..


Please copy-cut-paste your entire post into a brand new thread that will be yours. This thread belongs to XavierSPL. Your porb may be similar, but your answers/solutions should be in your thread so as not to get confused with what Xavier is doing. (jsut hte way it works on this forum... good luck and welcome aboard!) (alos, provide as much engine/drive info as you can.... particularly serial numbers, year, etc, and maintenance history).


Chief Petty Officer
May 29, 2009
Re: Major overheat yesterday ....after lots of recent work..

looks like if winterising was carried out correctly in the first place all would be well.
luck played a great part in getting by with jb weld but;
luck has now run out and a new engine looks like its top of the list together with all the fried pipework and a new impellor.