Major grinding sounds


Mar 28, 2005
This morning, when trying to start my 1977 Mercruiser 4cyl.,140 HP, a very major grinding noise occured once it started to idle.<br />After reading through my Seloc manual I suspect it to be in either the U joint or in the lower unit.<br />It almost seem that the engine is not completely in nuetral.<br />Can any on give me some direction in trouble shooting this?<br />Hopefully I haven't caused too much damage.<br />Thanks


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2002
Re: Major grinding sounds

U-joint usually gives a metal clanging sound, not a grinding sound. Some of the metal grinding sounds I've had are .... engine bearings shot, starter not disengaging from fly wheel, gimble bearing shot... not to mention that this weekend I heard the same noise you are describing plus boat was very difficult to shift from forward and from reverse unless I stopped engine first...then, while pulling kids at a hauling @ss speed on a tube the boat seemed to pop out of gear leaving us stranded in the water. After checking it out, my boat will not go in gear and stay there I'm suspecting a problem in the lower first I thought I had spun a coupler or trashed a u-joint because it shifted good but wouldn't go anywhere. Now, I can push the shift shaft around with my finger (once the shifter is in gear) and it will go into gear but will not go on it's own and stay threre... (all of this will be repeated in another topic)<br /> I'd start by looking over engine and flywheel areas for anything that might be rubbing against anything that turns and try to isolate where the noise is coming from...not knowing what you are hearing I'd say it could be anything from a bad water pump or alternator to the bearings in the outdrive. I have even used one of those automotive stethoscopes to locate roaring noises from a bad bearing. Grinding and roaring are different types of noises... grinding/clanging could be gears not meshing properly. Hope you have good luck solving the problem. I know your boat since I've currently got 3 with the same outdrive and one of them has the exact same engine which I've just rebuilt and will be installing in the next day or two.


Mar 28, 2005
Re: Major grinding sounds

Yea, There was a banging noise at the same time,<br />Sounded like some sort of metel was getting chewed up, verrrry nasty sound.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2002
Re: Major grinding sounds

Well dude, I'm familiar with 470's, 140's, and 260's and I know that if you're a little husky or have some decent help it is not a big deal to snatch the outdrive off...I do recommend getting a gasket and o'ring before jumping in though. They're usually cheap. Only 6 nuts and that dude can be snatched right out if it isn't stuck. The first one I ever pulled was not aligned right and I had to lever it out with screwdrivers, crow bars, and all kinds of everything I could get my hands on to separate from the gimbal housing. Once I had the engine aligned properly I could swap outdrives in 15 minutes. Once it's out you can get a good look at the u-joint. The one's I've replaced on 140's were just like doing one in my old pick up truck, not a big deal. If the U-joint is free of play and has a nice move to it I'd check lower unit. If the gears are not engaging properly they could be bouncing off the clutch dog or drive shaft pinion gear making a metal banging sound like mine did this past weekend. In that case I'd be shopping for an old junker with a weak transom but a good outdrive that I could offer to move from someone's back yard for a few dollars...the last one I got cost me $100 with perfect outdrive and decent engine that needed only honing the cylinder walls.


Mar 28, 2005
Re: Major grinding sounds

Well,I tried a minor test tonite that a guy from work suggested.<br />He said try to see if it is going into forward and reverse, so with engine off I shifted into both forward and reverse and sure enough the propeller was locked in the appropiate direction. In neutral the prop was free spinning.<br />Does that mean I have ruled out that the problem is in the lower unit? ie. clutch?<br /><br />Feel free to comment.


Mar 28, 2005
Re: Major grinding sounds

OK here is where this project stands as of now,<br />Pulled outdrive and inspected, U-joints,Gimbal bearing and both are A-OK<br />Greased and reinstalled with fresh O-rings and gasket.<br />Next, removed upper gear case cover and found source of "major grinding noise".<br />It appears that the Upper gear ( the one on the u-joint side) is missing a fair amount of metal.<br />Also the gear oil seems to be contaminated(dark brown and murky looking)<br /><br />Now I am a novice at this but am up for a challange. How difficult is this repair for the DIY'er. And what else shoud I replace while I have it apart.<br />I am also considering a water pump relacement at the same time.<br />I have all winter as my season is finished for this year.<br />I appreciate all advice and thank you in advance


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 17, 2004
Re: Major grinding sounds

save your self time and money and look into a replacement after market alpha drive. i believe they are listed right here on this website.


Feb 1, 2005
Re: Major grinding sounds

ditto- I'd go for the SEI alpha drive...for $1195 US with a 1 yr warranty<br /><br />some smart Canuck needs to get distributors in Canada ironed out tho'... I see a couple cranking the prices like mad- like $2500 to order online and have shipped up unless you can find a better distributor than I have seen