magic SHT


Seaman Apprentice
Jul 9, 2005
well me and the wife just recently purchased our first boat, so for mothers day we decided to take both moms and their husbands out fishing and to lunch on the boat. now I have taken mine out a few times since getting the boat and she loves it and has really impressed me with her attitude , since the only times i have been able to take the boat out there have been small craft advisories and we have never landed a fish on the boat since buying it in february, but hey mom is available during the week when the wife isnt and we have a good time, and i cant put the boat in the shed by myself. well my dad is not the outdoors type at all and does not like to fish in the least bit, wont even gewt a license so he is along for the ride and figured to fade early with his health issues. now id been told that MIL liked to fish but had a hard time buying it from her prim and proper appearance, and her husband didnt seem like the type either. so friday night the weather report is calling for 40% chance of thunderstorms on saturday and mom calls to ask what is plan b, I assure that it will only rain in houston, galveston ewill be fine, I hope, and she hesitantly says ok see ya tommorrow. So you can plainly see that all the parts are in order for a perfectly disastrous day.

so heres the stupid part, Saturday was absolutley glorious 85 degrees less rhan 5 knots wind and I actually managed to find us a good fishing hole. the four of us that fished all cauhgt a bunch, no prizes or dinner but a good variety and a lot of action, we had to stop because we ran out of bait. Everyone got along fine and everyone had a good time, must be the magic of being on the water because that group of 6 never clicked as well as it di yesterday.
my wife who didnt fish yesterday due to the crowd used some of the nsmall fish we caught as bait today and caught her first fish on the boat and her sixth.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 21, 2006
Re: magic SHT

Excellent day!!! It's amazing how being on the water affects people.