Luck beats stupidity


Jun 9, 2002
A couple of years ago I went fishing in early January on a small stream that feeds into Clinton Lake. I'd heard crappie were hitting hard there and wanted to try my luck. I had a 14' narrow beam aluminum boat with a 9.8 Merc on it. The seats were the type that clamp on the benches, that on this boat would set you up higher than the gunwhales. I'd fished most of the morning, did I say it was very cold then, below 20 degrees. I had some luck and was ready to head in. I pulled the trolling motor up while I was drifting downstream at a fair clip, and went to the back of the boat to start the Merc. After ten minutes of pulling I was fairly certain it wasn't going to start, but I did notice I was starting to drift into some trees that were near the bank of this stream. I thought I'd just tie off to one of these trees and work on the motor, so I reached out and grabbed one of them, I was off balance anyway and in I went. Did I mention I wasn't wearing a PFD? I was wearing several layers of clothes topped off with a heavy pair of boots, insulated coveralls, and a carhart coat. When I went in I sank fast, man was that water cold, felt like I'd been hit by lightening or something. I ended up on the bottom of this stream thinking this is it when I felt this tree. It was so dark and cold I didn't know up from down, but I grabbed that tree and started climbing for what seemed forever, it truly was a life or death struggle. When I broke through I saw my boat had run agroung on the shore about 20 yds from where I was. There wasn't anyone else stupid enough to be out there, so I knew there wasnt going to be anyone to come along and help. I swam/sank from tree to tree until I got to shore. I laid on the bank of the stream for a few minutes and collected my thoughts and realized I was really hypothermic and needed to get somewhere warm fast. I pulled out my cell phone, dead from water consumption. I went over to my boat which was the only way I was getting out of there, I was over a mile away from the ramp I had come in on. I looked at the motor and realized the kill switch lanyard was laying in the floor, just made my day. Hooked it up and was out of there. I ran the boat ashore next to the ramp, got in my truck turned the heater on full, stripped to my skivvies, then drove to the nearest house to call for help to get the boat loaded.<br />That was the closest to dying I care to come for a long time. I still think I froze something off that day. I'll never go fishing when below freezing, no PFD, and too small a boat again. <br /><br />Devon


Mar 16, 2002
Re: Luck beats stupidity

WOW. That was a close one... Too close. I never never, go out on the water without having a PFD or two in the boat. You sure are lucky to be sitting there typing now. ;)


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Luck beats stupidity

Glad you had the wherewithal to see that kill switch lanyard. I'd hate to think what you'd had to go thru if you couldn't get the boat started.

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: Luck beats stupidity

That's intense dude.<br /><br />Only being a mile away from the truck, I figure you'd a made it back when & if you made it to shore.<br /><br />The exertion of the walk would have helped ward off the hypothermia and kept ya from getting frost bite on your extremities. <br /><br />After getting back, you did handle it in textbook fashion,,,,, as well as saving the boat from being lost. <br /><br />If you're going to go out in that sort of weather, you might think about getting a diver's wet suit or one of them slightly thinner neopreme suits water skiers wear up there. They are thier own life jacket***, plus- you won't get dangerously cold when you go for a quick swim.<br /><br />*** <br />Those big lead weights & the belt to hold them divers wear are to sink or provide a neutral bouyancy to their wet suits more than themselves.


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Luck beats stupidity

Yikes, that was too close for comfort. Good idea with the trees.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Luck beats stupidity

Scary, real scary. Glad you made it. Too bad people have to have an experience like yours before they will wear/keep a pfd on board. Some of them aren't as lucky as you. As I tell everyone at work when a comment is made about safety, <br />I have a family I like to go home to.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: Luck beats stupidity

One thing that surprised me, and may have you, is how fast soaked clothing freezes. Once I fell in, not nearly as bad as you, but went under the ice to the chest. The walk out of there wasn't as bad as I would have thought because the clothing froze and made a natural barrier. The problem was it was like a full body cast when it froze. <br />You were very lucky to have made it out of the water at all!

Bass Man Bruce

Jul 9, 2004
Re: Luck beats stupidity

"I'll never go fishing when below freezing, no PFD, and too small a boat again." -Quote by Devon <br /><br />Me and a couple of my huntin buddies sometimes canoe about a mile up a river to an island where we have had good luck, so last summer I put on my entire huntin garb, insul camo, vest, pack boots and a pfd and then jumped in the pool. Good thing it was the shallow end, all the clothes soaked real fast and the pfd was worthless(type III). I couldn't tell the diff with or without it. Glad it wasn't cold water. Iv'e been in that and it's a HUGE shock. I'm amazed you were able to think as clearly as you did Devon, your'e one lucky fisherman. My sisters (future at the time) fil and two nephews were on Lake Superior returning from a late november hunting trip many years ago and their 18' boat capsized all had pfd's, none lived. Makes you want to get a real good pfd!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jan 14, 2005
Re: Luck beats stupidity

If people are thinking of goin out in that kind of weather, there are some really good suits made by....damn, whats that name...has a seahorse on it...little help here...anyways, they make really good survival suits that are worn up here by the O.P.P. when they do late season or ice rescue...if you are gonna be out there, they buy you some extra time in the they float...which is a big bonus...

matthew hardman

Seaman Apprentice
Jan 13, 2005
Re: Luck beats stupidity

glad u r ok that must have sucked hope u have better luck next time . I hate kill switches i have had that problem befor now i dont us them