lower unit took HARD hit... :(


Jul 23, 2001
My boyfriend took my boat out and hit a semi-submerged log HARD. :( <br />I was out of town at the time; he told me about it and told me it stopped the boat, motor kicked up, and he hit the windshield frame (ouch). He told me that it seemed to be running fine and he had not seen any damage.<br />Yesterday was the first chance I'd had since getting back to get down and take the boat out. Noticed speedometer wasn't working. Well, that's happened before -- I have a 1999 Bayliner Capri 1800 w/ Force 120 o/b, and what happens is debris clogs the little intake on the lower unit for the speedometer. So I stopped the boat and attempted to clear the clog. I couldn't clear this, though -- it's really, really packed with spongy wood, I just couldn't get it all out. While working on it, though, I noticed something that just made me heartsick. Part of what I would call the foot (but I'm sure I'm using the wrong terminology there) is broken off. What I'm calling the foot is the first horizontal flared part of the lower unit, under which the trim tab is attached -- it's where you'd attach hydrofoil plates (which I'm guessing I'm going to need to do as part of repairs...). On the port side of the engine, a big chunk of it is broken off towards the front. Bummer. Bummer!<br /><br />Can that be fixed? I'm guessing maybe I'll have to get a shop to grind the broken part to a smoother contour, then take some off the other side and grind it to match, then perhaps attach a hydrofoil.<br /><br />After I took off on plane, I was puzzled that I didn't need to trim up nearly as much as usual to get the boat tracking straight -- could that be caused by the missing hunk of foot?<br /><br />I've really tried to take good care of my boat. This hurts. I know that's illogical, it's just a thing... I'm glad my boyfriend didn't get hurt. I'm pretty POed at him right now -- when I took off the cover, the depthfinder was on -- he was out on it Saturday Aug 4th, so that'd been on all that time (but it still cranked fine, so hadn't drawn the battery down). There were some other things not done that I like done a certain way when the boat is put up. I guess I'm overly particular, but it is my boat...<br />I guess he'd gotten such a good whack on the head that his focus wasn't on that stuff. Again, I'm glad he's ok.<br />That was obviously a HARD hit on a BIG log, though -- things like that can be hard to see, but in full daylight, I wonder how he could have completely missed seeing something so big....<br />Now I'm kind of wondering, too, if there might be other damage not immediately apparent. What should I keep an eye out for? And do you think they can really fix the broken chunk -- can that part be replaced? Or will some creative repair have to suffice?<br /><br />-anne


Nov 29, 2000
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Man, I sympathize with you.. It's kinda like when my sister in law comes over and changes the settings on my 24-band equalizer (for my stereo). Unfortunately I married her sister who is the biggest offender..<br /><br />I would assume you also inspected the prop and found no new nicks, dings, or chunks missing. If so, I would be more concerned about water getting into the lower unit (or foot). Just to be safe, I would check or have checked the LU lube for any signs of water. <br /><br />AS far as the anti-cavitation plate (or more appropriately the anti-ventilation plate) I would have it smoothed for cosmetic reasons, but I would not remove more. If I am not mistaken this plate should ride just above the water when on plane. If you do not have any drivability problems, just fix it for cosmetic reasons.. If you can plane fine you do not need a hydrofoil..


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Hi Anne. My sympathy. The damaged plate goes by a lot of names, most commonly "cavitation plate". Just install a hydrofoil on the remains. I use a SE Sport 3 which I got at Cabelas but I think they all work about as well. You will find that your hole shot and top end will improve, as will your fuel mileage. All of your trim settings will change, too.<br /><br />Check your gearcase oil for water (milky lookin' stuff).<br /><br />Good luck, and keep looking forward to that Outrage.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 8, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Anne:<br /><br />From up here on the TN river... we take normal percautions when going out of town... from disconnectin battery, taking keys, leaving with "NO" gas, etc... this always results in "NO" run condition on boat while out of town!!! LOL<br /><br />As for "Bump" on the head... Did he get that when you returned & saw boat or when he hit submerged log!!! LOL<br /><br />Also, are you sure he didn't hit the "dock" as I recall we just got that fixed or on our way to a resolution!!! LMAO right now...<br /><br />OK... I cannot see what is tore off & what needs to be repaired. But if skeg is damaged, it can be repaired & new portion welded back on... any reputable prop shop can do this... or you can pit "SkegGuard" on it to replace damage piece... if this is the case.<br /><br />Let me know & rememember you can always FedEx keys to me for safe keeping while out of town!!! Had a "girlfriend" one time that tore up props on a regular basis & never new when she did it... I always saw it happen while sitting on bank enjoying my beer but always would say she didn't do it... easier to repair "prop" that to try & discuss proper boating techniques... So I feel your pain!!!<br /><br />Let me know......<br /><br /> ;)


Jul 23, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Amazingly enough, the skeg and prop are fine. Now here's the bad part of that -- I can't get out of my head that whatever it was he hit must not have been invisibly submerged as where it took the hit is relatively "high". For that reason I am really annoyed with my boyfriend. Yes, he told me about it... But he didn't even look hard enough to see it was damaged... And I'm the one who's calling to make shop appts and asking questions to try to get things resolved. If I'd messed up something of his, especially something he cared a lot about, I'd be beside myself trying to find ways to make it right. :mad: <br />Oh well.<br />Maybe karma will come back to bite me and i'll end up hitting a phantom log myself...<br /> ;) <br /><br />I've got an appt to get it looked at at a shop near my home tomorrow. The mechanic said if it is shifting fine and seems to be running fine the chance for internal damage is pretty low. :) I do just wanna be sure!<br />So, I'll put a hydrofoil on "the remains" (loved that use of words, JB!) -- that's probably a good idea anyhow.<br /><br />Now if I can just get over feeling like my "baby" is "damaged" and will be forever scarred.<br /><br />Yup, fone_man -- maybe those keys need to travel with me....<br />and mebbe it'd been better if he had just rammed that dock! ;) <br /><br />It will all work out. I do still feel just sick about it right now, though.<br /><br />It has been a tough year. Well, things'll get better.<br /><br />-anne :) <br />hmmm... maybe i'll trade it in on that Outrage this spring... (i wish -- can't do that yet!)


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Gee whiz!! I really hate to bring this up, Anne, but if that object was close enough to the surface to whack off a chunk of your cav plate, what has it done to your hull?? :eek: It must have pounded the bottom rather smartly, too. Please get that examined closely, it doesn't have to be leaking (yet) to be serious. :( <br /><br />Maybe boyfriend oughta wanna buy you an Outrage in restitution. :D :D <br /><br />Red sky at night. . . <br />JB :)


Aug 12, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

I know how you feel when your baby get's damaged. You may want to knock your mate in the head a few more times just for good measure - like this:
<br /><br />And if he does it again, things might get seriously painful for him:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />And if he doesn't straighten up, there'll be no more of this:<br />


Jul 23, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

JB, that's exactly what I'd been thinking -- yup, I'm worried about hull damage. It looks okay, I have it up in the lift -- but looks can be decieving. <br />And it must have been a heck of a hit to have knocked a chunk out of the cavitation plate, wouldn't you think? I've never seen that before... :eek: <br /><br />Well, tonight I'll have nightmares of the boat disintegrating when I start trying to pull it up the ramp... ;) <br /><br />Sheesh. it'll all work out... i hope... :confused: <br /><br />-anne


Jul 23, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

thanks for the cute show, Cuddy. :) <br />Did you get your skeg fixed up? I hope so. I wish this hit had been just the skeg! :eek: <br />-anne :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 8, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

hey anne it really dosn't take that hard of a hit to break the cav plate , i had a hailstone about the size of a golf ball break a chunk outta mine......roll tide!!!! :D


Jul 23, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Thanks RIDEPATE -- that made me feel a lot better.<br /><br />The mechanic says it's fine. :) <br /><br />So I'm putting a hydrofoil on it to help with any impact to planing, and hopefully she'll be fine! :)


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

I think the guys have covered about everything you need to know about your boat, but as for this boyfriend fella... I think a phone call to Dr. Laura is in order. I'll be she'll say for you to dump him. "Any man who'd damage his girlfriends boat is not a man at all!! Do you really want get married and make babies with this person??" <br /><br />hee, hee...<br /><br />Walt


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Wish I had a girlfriend who owns a boat.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 11, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Anne<br /><br /> Where I live I run across of cavitation plates that are broken off.We do have all of ours repaired. The good thing is the welder around here welds for the 3 marinas around here. I also have to say that he is good enough that when the lower unit is painted you will never know that it has been welded. It would be great help for you if you have someone who can weld aluminum that good then you would have more cavitation plate to place your hydrofoils on <br /><br />GOOD LUCK <br />NICK

Bob O

Aug 21, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Some wild speculations and personal opinions: From what you described, it's possible the cavitation plate cut into the soft wood and snapped off as the log twisted free. That may not be as "traumatic" for the internal guts of the lower unit compared to a collision with a boulder, for example. However, if you have insurance, you may want to report the accident in case you need to make a claim later. If your boyfriend was a kind person who really cared about you, he should definitely be taking the lead on arranging for and paying for the repairs. I personally think that is a more important issue than the damage to your boat. :)


Jul 23, 2001
Re: lower unit took HARD hit... :(

Nick -- thanks, it makes me feel better to know that broken cavitation plate is not that uncommon. This is the first time I'd encountered it...<br /><br />Bob O -- your speculation about how the chunk got broken off is probably dead-on. The wood that was in the speedometer intake was really spongey, so the log must have been in the water for a good while.<br /><br />The shop says the engine is okay. We've put a hydrofoil on it, but haven't launched it again yet, so don't know how that effects its characteristics...<br /><br />As to my boyfriend -- I wish he'd been more proactive and taken the initiative to get the boat in the shop. I think his feeling was that it was no big deal. He's a lot more laid back than I am... Sometimes our differences make us mesh very well, then again with issues like this we tend to see things very differently and that can cause conflict. Yup, I wish he'd put it in the shop for checking over himself, but to his credit, he got off work early yesterday, picked up the boat and paid for the check-out. :) <br /><br />The older this boat gets, the better off we'll be -- the less picky I'll be about it. There's a quote I need to remember when things like this make me come "unglued" --<br /><br />"Perfection is the enemy of the good" - Voltaire<br /><br />thank you all,<br />anne :)