lower unit problem


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 19, 2005
lower unit problem

I have a 1967 60hp v4 super sea horse johnson model # vxl-13a<br /> WE never had trouble with the lower unit but it is geting milky so i know i have to re seal it because water is geting in. I had taked it out 2 times after it got milky and changed the oil each time. I went to ****ersons marina and they said that it was ok for now and i didnt have to change the lower unit oil every time i take it out if it is just a thick milky color. he said take it to him in the winter and he will reseal it. But the next day after i talked to him a new proble came up it switchs in to fowrd neturel and revers fine but when the prop is at a sertin point it wont swicht in to fowrd or reversif i spin the prop to a differnt point it will switch but when u do get it in gear it is fine. ANY HELP


Feb 26, 2005
Re: lower unit problem

Re: lower unit problem

Is this a manual or electric shift outboard? If it's manual, you can probably get away with milky oil if you change it a couple of times during the rest of the season. Some will argue with me on that.<br /><br />However, if it's an electric shift motor, you need to reseal it and put the proper oil in it.<br /><br />You seem to be having other problems with this engine, too.


Aug 10, 2005
Re: lower unit problem

Re: lower unit problem

I had a similar problem with my 64 18hp. The shift yoke cradle in the lower unit was bent and that allowed the shift yoke to either fall off the shaft or get stuck in fwd or rev. Break the seal on the lower unit and check the cradle to ensure it isn't bent. Not a hard task at all.