Lower Unit Oil leak?


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
1987 Evinrude 4 HP
Model: E4RCUD

When you lay the motor on its side (on the ground) something that appears to be clean lower unit oil seaps from the weap hole on the opposite side from the fill/drain plugs.

This would tend to make one think that water would be entering the lower lube as well, however I can't find any image in the manual that calls out what the weap hole is for, nor what oring/seal would allow lower unit oil to trickle out that port.

I see a oring seal on in the gear case, and that would appear to seal the water around the prop from entering the oil...however nothing to do with oil exiting through that weap hole

I also see the oring that I replaced on the bottom of the coolant pump housing. This (as far as I can tell) seals the water thats being sucked in from leaking OUTSIDE the housing so that it continues up the tube for cooling.

What the hell would allow a lube to leak out of this hole?
(hole just to the 11 oclock position of the prop in this photo of a different motor)


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

1987 Evinrude 4 HP
Model: E4RCUD

When you lay the motor on its side (on the ground) something that appears to be clean lower unit oil seaps from the weap hole on the opposite side from the fill/drain plugs.

This would tend to make one think that water would be entering the lower lube as well, however I can't find any image in the manual that calls out what the weap hole is for, nor what oring/seal would allow lower unit oil to trickle out that port.

I see a oring seal on in the gear case, and that would appear to seal the water around the prop from entering the oil...however nothing to do with oil exiting through that weap hole

I also see the oring that I replaced on the bottom of the coolant pump housing. This (as far as I can tell) seals the water thats being sucked in from leaking OUTSIDE the housing so that it continues up the tube for cooling.

What the hell would allow a lube to leak out of this hole?
(hole just to the 11 oclock position of the prop in this photo of a different motor)

noone has any knowledge of this problem?


Rear Admiral
May 4, 2004
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

Just seen this after replying on your original thread.

Pretty sure that hole is a drain hole from where the shift rod passes down through the upper part of the lower unit before entering the "insides" via a bush and an O ring #10 and #8 on the parts diagram.

My guess is that it's that O ring thats the trouble.


Vice Admiral
Aug 12, 2007
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

If oil can get out water can get in, I would drain the lower and see what comes out.
You will need to pull the lower off and see where it is leaking from, just did this tonight on my 50, you have to have a bad seal or oil wouldn't be coming out.


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

Just seen this after replying on your original thread.

Pretty sure that hole is a drain hole from where the shift rod passes down through the upper part of the lower unit before entering the "insides" via a bush and an O ring #10 and #8 on the parts diagram.

My guess is that it's that O ring thats the trouble.

Vic, how do you access that seal for replacement? Through the prop access? Or dropping the lower foot?


Seaman Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

Youve beaten me there I have absolutely no idea

Hah. Ok, I'll look into it. It must be behind the prop, because there were NO SIGNS WHATSOEVER of any seal/oring for that shifter rod in the lower unit


Rear Admiral
May 4, 2004
Re: Lower Unit Oil leak?

Thinking about it.

I think, I stress I think, you will have to drop the lower unit in order to withdraw the shifter rod. but you will then have to take the propshaft bearing and seal housing off in order to get at the O ring from there. I would guess that it will be located in a grove a little way up inside the hole through which the shift rod passes. It might be difficult to find and even more difficult to remove if I am right. The new one may be tricky to fit as well.

You will have to be careful not to damage it when refitting the shift rod.