Re: low mph suzuki dt115
Hello RGG,<br /><br />I own a 17 ft Tullio abbate with a Suzy DT 140(1981) for 5 years now, the big bro of yours I guess(model made untill 1995????).<br />She has never run like she was expected.<br />I only do 5200 rpm's at speed of 45 knots(mph???), optimalised with power trim and power lift.<br />All this with a 13" pitch 19.<br />Boat and engine weight about 1300 lbs( 650kg).<br />I thought all this was caused by bad carb's and timing. but i've cleaned and checked all and find out that there was not the problem.<br />As I start reading here, i've looked into her cylinders and saw that cylinder 3 have been eating water
.All others look a little rusty too, with some scores(I saw on the camera).<br />I've to put a new headgasket to it, so I can inspect them better when the head is off.<br />Maybe you can look also there, and I hope for you not to find the same as me, would be a pity. <br />Did you tried a compression test?<br />Mine was oké 9 to 9,2 bar so on this you can not see if you have a leak gasket. The plug of nr 3 was realy clean, almost like new, what means I've steamed it, caused by the leak gasket.<br />I hope you find the problem a bit faster as me( not five years)
<br /><br />If you want to read more of mine problem search for "suzuki dt 140 problems"<br /><br />Greetzzz from Belgium<br /><br /> Daritzzz