Lounge Seat Question


Apr 25, 2021
My 79 Sea Ray has back-to-back seats that lay down into 2 different configurations. One that is a flat lounger with a hoop for a leg and the other has what was the rear seat cushion sitting in a vertical position on 2 legs and resembles a bench to me. I don't have the manual for the boat and do not see any warning labels (it was the 70s so warnings probably weren't a thing yet) not to use the bench configuration while underway.

Does anyone have a similar setup and know the rules on this? Curious because the boat is rated for 10 people, but only has 6 seats with the back-to-back seats folded up or 8 if it is ok to be underway in the bench configuration.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
What Sea Ray model? After 40 some years warning labels are long gone.



Chief Petty Officer
Jun 26, 2010
I wouldn't trust riding underway sitting on the seats folded down.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
no way to get 10 people in the boat unless most only weight 85#. the tag reads 10 people or X lbs. which ever limit is hit first.

secondly, on a 19' boat, 6 people max unless you have people sitting on each other. my boat is 26' long, and most I can get is 6 people unless I start stuffing them in the cabin yet the capacity tag says 12 people..... maybe if they were singing high-ho..... keep in mind most capacity tags are what theoretically is the max. not actually what fits.

you may be able to get more people with the seats folded down, however its like 6 people in the front seat of a pickup truck. some folks are going to get to know each other

yes, the hoops are there so you dont break the seat slide mechanism.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
I have owned 2 boats with the same type of folding seats. I didn't write the safety manual, but I see no problem having 4 people on one that is folded while underway.

The only potential issue would be listing if that side of the boat was overloaded and not balanced on the other side.


Apr 25, 2021
no way to get 10 people in the boat unless most only weight 85#. the tag reads 10 people or X lbs. which ever limit is hit first.

secondly, on a 19' boat, 6 people max unless you have people sitting on each other. my boat is 26' long, and most I can get is 6 people unless I start stuffing them in the cabin yet the capacity tag says 12 people..... maybe if they were singing high-ho..... keep in mind most capacity tags are what theoretically is the max. not actually what fits.

you may be able to get more people with the seats folded down, however its like 6 people in the front seat of a pickup truck. some folks are going to get to know each other

yes, the hoops are there so you dont break the seat slide mechanism.
I apologize, I didn't explain my goal well enough. I'm not looking to load 10 people in the boat. It didn't come with a capacity tag in it so I got the capacity from the title and by doing the (length x 8)/15 for capacity and am having one made that actually shows a max capacity of 8 (a cooler in front of the engine cowl and one next to the helm if needed) will allow people some personal space and still have headroom for cargo and fuel. I'll probably max out at 7 tops and hover between 2 and 5 usually.

I was just curious if putting the back-to-back seats as a bench is ok or no for the times I have 7 on board. I cannot seem to find anything online saying that I can't but I also cannot find confirmation that I can and I like to err on the side that doesn't get the DNR pulling up next to me.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
You could call sea ray for a duplicate capacity tag

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Would they have it for a boat this old? They don't have any online documentation in their Sea Ray Owners Club thing for it. At least not that I can find.
You have to call., not email, not website. But pick up the phone and call. They have records going back many decades