Re: Lost thrust while at cruise speed
Okay, if the prop is not blown, that narrows it down to the upper or lower gearset, the clutch dogs or engine coupler. You can easily remove the top cover on the upper gearcase by removing 4 bolts to inspect the upper gearset. Here is a pic of a healthy gearset.
These must be imersed in gear oil while running or it will soon suffer a catastrophic failure at WOT, as shown in the next pic. The proper oil level will be just above the horizontal input shaft.
Checking the lower gearset and clutch dogs will take more time, but tell-tale signs are metallic particles in the lower gearcase oil and slack between the prop shaft and the vertical shaft in either forward or reverse. To check the engine coupler, unbolt & pull the outdrive from the transom and check the splines on the input shaft & engine coupler. Do you have a service manual?