Lost prop, what happen??

May 16, 2007
Saturday we were cruising at a quarter of the throttle, I lifted up on the throttle and it slowed down very fast. I Tried to turn towards shore and it wouldn't go, kinda like it wasn't in gear. We got to shore and picked up the lower unit and the prop was gone. It didn't hit anything because I tried to put a ancor down and it didn't touch and we're pretty sure it had a cotter pin. We ordered a new prop but the nut and washer are gone, are they special for marine apps. The washers I've looked at have the grouves for the shaft. Is it worth spending the extra money for the washer and nut from a marina? Is there anything we can do to make sure we don't loose another prop? Anything I should know before we put the other prop on?

Rudy Brown

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 3, 2005
Re: Lost prop, what happen??

Cotter pin. The pin came out and the nut backed off. Or more likely, the last time the prop was off, someone forgot to put the pin back. I dont think I've ever seen a pin come loose by itself. I would get the nut and washer thats supposed to be on the propshaft. Might cost a little more, but you know it'll work. And a new cotter pin everytime the prop nut comes off for maintenance ,their cheap. Might be worth checking the prop nut/ cotter pin when putting the plug in the boat. Its on my list now. :)


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Lost prop, what happen??

Yep, I'd bet the nut & key were left out the last time the prop was off. As long as you're in forward the prop will stay (prop is trying to move forward towards gearcase). But if you back off abruptly or shift into reverse, it'll be gone in a heartbeat.