Re: Looking for reputable Tohatsu repair faclity in South Louisiana
I would suggest you visit the local fishing docks and or Harbor Master's and ask. You might be surprised as to what and who they recommend. Also would recommend taking pictures of motor before dropping it off for repairs. Basically Interview and ask for references.
Good Luck! StarGazer
I posted: Yes and about 20 years of small stuff. like flushing motor for end of season clean-ups. I never went out back to the shop to see what a mess it was. I mean "Parts all over the place and unorganized". Looking back at all that happened to it over the years of service.. Like screws missing, the gas cap was not mine, but someone else's and the wrong spark plug installed or wire left off, and who knows what else! The bottom line is that we all should examine our repair shops that they are on the same page as our needs. If the mechanics work table/area is a mess with all kinds of parts, screws, and debris... Chances are thats what you will get back.. Debris
AS OF TODAY! I will be giving any shop a "written check list" of what needs to be done on my motors. When I pickup the motor I also will make sure they signed off on all items of completion. Any additional work or items added to the list will be added to the list by the tech and not a verbal "Oh ya! I did this and that." StarGazer You might think its extreme but, I depend on its performance..