Looking for lead on 1985 Johnson 15 power steering.


May 11, 2007
I have a 1985 Johnson J15elcdi outboard. I sw somewhere that there is a power steering unit for this model. Does anyone have one or know of the part number? A diagram would be great. Thanks Frank


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 11, 2010
Re: Looking for lead on 1985 Johnson 15 power steering.

power steering...no clue here, cable steering, remote shifting, remote throttle..... rather easy....
the remote shift cable goes on a bracket that bolts to the startboard front side of the lower cowl and then goes to the shifter outside of the cowl. The throttle replaces the kill button and connects to the linkage (attaches to part # 108 in this diagram http://www.boats.net/parts/search/B...MODELS,15 ELECT START & "A" MODELS/parts.html ). Cable steering would attach to the front on a plate with a hole in it. via eyescrews or a bolt on braket.... you could likely use a teleflex type system as well with some creativity. I cant give you a diagram of the shift cable holder, but i can take a picture of mine should you like, I would think with a lil ingenuity you could easily fabricate something that would work for both shift and throttle provided you used standard cables. and steering should be a breeze. I actually kicked the idea around for a bit myself....thought it would be great to have a remote operated 12ft jonboat but decided the K.I.S.S. principle was better.
