Looking for Help on a 8HP Honda

Jul 22, 2011
Hi everyone,

I went to winterize my 8hp Honda outboard today and when I pulled the drain plug it came out white and milky.

Obviously there is water getting into the oil, and it appears to be wet around the head gasket.

Now my problem is, I am not 100% sure what year my motor is. The only info I know about it is that its a 8hp short shaft with serial number bacs-1202746. My research shows that it is most likely a 1996 - 1998.

If anyone can tell me what year it is, and the part number for a new head gasket and possibly a service manual that would be awesome. Also, does Honda sell a complete gasket kit for this engine? since I am going to be ripping it apart, I might as well refresh everything.

Thanks in advance.



Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 9, 2013
Re: Looking for Help on a 8HP Honda

I have the manual shoot me your email address and I will send it. Its in PDF format