Looking for advice on a trip to the Ozarks

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Seaman Apprentice
Jun 17, 2012
We have a 24ft I/O and are planning a trip to the Ozarks at the end of July/beginning of Aug, we are going to go Monday-Friday(hoping to avoid some of the larger water traffic). Currently we are looking at the Osage area anywhere between MM21-13ish. We are coming from Illinois. We are planning on mostly making a couple runs up and down some of the lake, maybe a little bit of watersports but mostly coving and swimming.

Would this be TOO bad of an area during the midweek? There is so many other choices and with never having been there my thought was pick the busiest area so we have a baseline for future trips. Does this seem sound or would I still be advised to pick somewhere else on the lake?

Thanks in advance!

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