Looking for 120 L-Drive pistons. .030" over


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 26, 2007
If anyone happens to have 4 extras for sale or can point me in the direction of a reputable dealer I would appreciate it.

Also, what is the consensus regarding comparable brands? I see that iboats sells Sierra brand, which I've never heard of before. Is that a quality piston or something to be avoided?

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: Looking for 120 L-Drive pistons. .030" over

From what I understand, Sierra pistons are comparable to stock and are cast pistons. I prefer Wiseco pistons. They come complete with rings and wrist pins and are forged. As I have said before, some people swear by Wiseco and others swear at them. They serve my purpose and I have not had one fail yet. Phone---1 800 321-1364 call for catalog. Technical Assistance--440-951-6600 They do not list L drive pistons but they are the same as the outboard pistons. You really need to know stock piston size. It will either be 3.312 or 3.375 (3 5/16 or 3 3/8)