Looking at a 2003 Regal tomorrow 5.7 FI (GXi?)


May 14, 2015
So looking at a 2003 Regal 2665 with a 5.7 fuel injected (GXi?). Anyway, it has 830 hours. Is that too many? How about outdrives? Wasn't there a composite drive that wasn't very good? What was that and could this boat have it?

Also, would this boat have the ability to connect a scanner to check recorded data? One of the things I wondered is I read a post once that the hour meter ran when the key was on so when they turned the key on to listen to the radio the hour meter ran? Just wondered if that is plausible and if the scanner would confirm that?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 13, 2011
Yes a scanner would confirm the hours. At least you know the boat has been used. Sometimes a sitting machine decomposes faster than one that is used.

Do they have maintenance records? Doubt it has a composite drive. Most likely an sx or a dp-sm. Composite were used in saltwater boats I believe.

I don't know how many don't how many hours is too many. The boat is 15 years old so it was getting 60 hours per year not bad

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
the XDP drives were the composite drives and those were mostly on go-fast boats

800 hours for an EFI boat motor is nothing. motor with proper maintenance would last to 3500 hours or so before needing a rebuild.


May 14, 2015
Thanks Scott. Boat was pretty rough. Funny story is the guy said the detailer was picking it up right after we left. We went home and decided to head to the local boat shop and see if he had heard of any boats since last week. We pull in and see the same Regal (it was from an hour away). Told the owner that we had just looked at that boat an hour earlier and he said it was junk and he was calling the guy to tell him to come back and get it out of there. Said it would take over $20k to get that boat into a sellable state. So still searching