Left out in the rain :(


Jul 27, 2010
A sordid story...

Found a used fishing boat.
Not a bad deal so I bought it.
Took it to the local marina. He's getting ready for vacation and said just leave here, look at it when I get back.

2 weeks later I go back to see what he found out. There it sits out in the lot with the cover still off... ever since our initial conversation. We had 18 inches of rain in those 2 weeks. Before that you could turn the motor over and it sounded great, compression seemed good and everything. "Grind, clunk, clatter..." First few turns did NOT sound good. After that it sounded better but still would not start.

"Why did you leave it uncovered this whole time?" I ask.
"Oh, that doesn't hurt boat motors, they're made for the water. They get water in there all the time" he says. "Really? Inside the carbs and down the throat?" I asks him. "I assure there is no damage, it must have been like that when you left it" he tells me.

So, tell me, honestly.
What is the likelihood this motor is not damaged?
What damage should I expect?
It's a Merc 650. Serial number 3456415.
Thanks for your time......... and good fishing to all!
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Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Based on the serial number that's a 1972 Merc...so it's probably sat out in the rain/snow/whatever for MUCH longer over the course of the last few decades than the two weeks he was on vacation.

The cowling was on the motor and it was perpendicular to the ground right?

If so, the rain did zero damage, as mentioned...as they are designed to be around water.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Re: Left out in the rain :(

If the motor cover is on and tight then the rain won't hurt it. Of course sitting out in the rain uncovered for 2 weeks might not be real good for the rest of the boat. You probably just need to charge your battery, flush the entire fuel sytem, put in fresh spark plugs, should/might be O.K. Good Luck!


Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Thanks for the reply and the year of manufacture.

No, the cowling was off. It rained buckets, worst flooding we've had in my lifetime. Never seen anything like it. There's no way water didn't get down in there, and no small amount, either.

Thanks again.

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Well if the shop took off the cowling and left it for two weeks maybe that is some bargaining power(reduced cost for repair?).

I'd want to spray some fuel/oil mix in there and turn over the motor to get the metal lubricated asap.

I did watch a video recently where an iboats member drained a few quarts of water out of an I/O Ford and then proceeded to run the motor, so hopefully no damage to speak of on your Merc.

Hope it still runs for ya, good luck.


Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Thanks for the information good Sir(s).

You could scratch the sum total of knowledge of engines, marine or otherwise, on the head of a pin with a jackhammer. My specialties are in other areas so thought it best to ask around. Many wealths of info and understanding to be gleaned on the net...

so here I am...

Our little local marina is run by a young gent fresh out of schooling. He's not as bent on making a good name for his new business as would I be in his shoes. From what I've heard (and I hate speaking bad of someone or rumor mongering) he's not quite as attentive to detail as he could be, tends to run off at the mouth and has an attention span a bit shorter than folks who take things in their lives seriously.

Anyway... enough of all that. I'll do as recommended here and proceed forward. I just want to get something set up to take my little guy out. We've been having a blast fishing from the shore and the dock, time for some adventure. And perhaps time for a more experienced mechanic. (???)

BTW How does one make a picture show on each post? The little guy caught a nice big perch couple weeks ago. Cast his own pole, caught the fish and then landed it all by himself.
At 3 years old he's already caught a bigger perch than I ever have... and I'm nearly 50 ! :)

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Left out in the rain :(

There are many ways to post photos on this site, some easier than others.

The best way I've found is to first upload the pictures from your computer to photobucket.com or picasa.google.com(or any other image hosting web site) and then copy and paste [IMAGE CODE] links right into the iboats text box.

It will [LOOK LIKE THIS] when you do it only it'll have the url for the photos included. You will need to resize the photos to medium or large size so they comply with forum rules.

There is a freshwater fishing forum where you can start a new thread to post the perch photos and be proud of his fish. My oldest son is 4 and he has had great luck with his scooby-doo closed face reel:D

Welcome to the site, lots of good info here and some nice folks too:)

BTW what kind of boat did you get? You can post some photos of the rig too, everyone likes to see boat pics.


Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Larson fiberglass 3 hull on a Spartan tilt trailer.

Guessing the boat is same age as the engine, but it's not in too bad of shape. Good 'rack and pinion steering" or so I was told, and the throttle/ignition assmbly looks and seems to work good and proper.

The tires hold air, so I figured at 250 bucks I can't be too bad off. :)

The motor is going to need re-wiring, I knew that much.
What scared me was the sound it made when turned over after the man's vacation. Didn't sound good at all but probably didn't do a whole lot in the way of damage. (hope, hope???)

It's not at all what I set out looking for. Wanted a flat bottom for the shallows. And don't really need anything over 10 or 15 horse to putt around with. Once the little guy is bigger I'll take him down to the mighty MO for some real fun but he's pretty little right now, small lakes and farm ponds are more our speed at the moment. I figured if nothing else I'd invest a few hundred to fix 'er up and make seaworthy, then trade towards soemthing more appropriate for us.

It's all for him, I really don't care at this point.
Soon as the little woman is home I'll have her get some picture posting ready and show off his "Big Perch". (grins all around. jeesh, that was FUN! as has been his every catch!) I'm far more computer illiterate than mechanical :) I build stuff, and weld stuff. Hammer and nails or my TIG torch.... I'll leave wrenching in the grease to the professionals.... to my betters....

Thanks again.
Be back soon.
God bless!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 3, 2005
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Troy; you sound like a great Dad :)

I for one would love to see "your little one's" fish!

Get those pictures up!



Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(



Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

It worked! :)

Sorry for the delay, couldn't get to it last night.

Might not be a big perch in most of the rest of the country but in these parts, it's a MONSTER!

Huron Angler

Apr 7, 2009
Re: Left out in the rain :(

We catch an awful lot of perch smaller than that one around here:D


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Only place I get perch like that is on Lake Michigan :D

My kid is holding a couple and these are actually average...we catch a lot of 14-15" perch :)



More fish than mountain goat
May 19, 2004
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Back to your original problem... Was the engine on the boat and in the 'tilted down' position? If so, then the likelihood of internal damage is minimal. If it was tilted up and the plugs were out, then I would be talking to the 'young gent' about how he's going to buy you a new engine.



Jul 27, 2010
Re: Left out in the rain :(

Plugs were in (thankfully) but motor was in the up position. As I said above it rained buckets, I'm sure there was quite a bit of water splashing up inside the carbs.

He's probably right, no problem or damage.
I don't know nothing about boat engines, that's why I sought out this forum and you folks' advice.

14 to 15 inch!?! Holy Cow!!!!
Most of the perch caught around here are too small for anything other than catfish bait on set lines down at the river, not much bigger than the average chub. A 8 inch perch is considered pretty good sized. Dane's was just shy of 11 inches ..... Honestly, I didn't even know they got to 14/15.

I looked them up for Nebraska. 13 inches makes a Master Angler Award. 2 pounds 10.75 oz is th record.
Just WOW!!!
I can't even imagine it...

Same for bluegill. The wife caught a 1 pound 10 oz here a few years back. I'd never seen anything like it and I've fished for decades. I think I'll keep these people around..... just so I can see what real fishermen can accomplish :D