leaking after water pump change


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
I have a 1990 Johnson GT150, model # J150STLESB and recently did a water pump kit change and changed the lower unit oil. My problem is this: At times water will come out of the bottem of the cowling. Then stop for a while and then do it again. Does not overheat and runs great at all RPM's. Water just runs out of bottom cowling. Water is coming from pee hole. Also, recently changed the t-stats. Thanks.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 9, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Although I'm definitely no expert on the topic, I'd guess you either have a leaking hose from the block to the "pee hole" or you missed an o-ring when replacing the water pump kit and water is working its way up inside the engine. Assuming it wasn't leaking water prior to the pump change, I'd assume the latter.<br /><br />Like I said, just a guess.<br /><br />Good luck.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Greg....what you are seeing is the T-stats working to control engine temp. The water flow here will pick up when the T-stats open and slow or stop when they close down. Normal thing.


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

I understand how T-stats work, but I have owned this motor for 3 years and never noticed water running out of the bottom of the cowling before??? I am not sure I understand where you are saying the water is coming from... I am not referring to the water coming from the pee hole. The water is coming out from the bottom of the cowling where the shift rod comes through.
Jun 4, 2003
Re: leaking after water pump change

Sup bogangus....I think what he is trying to say is there in water inside of the compartment with the powerhead. The motor runs fine, not getting hot, water coming out of the pee hole, etc. However, there is water somehow getting inside the cowling. Enough that it fills up and leaks out of the hole in the front where your shifting/steering linkage comes in.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 27, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Sorry I misunderstood the post greg.<br /><br />Have you looked around inside the hood with the motor running? The exhaust covers on these engines can develope leaks fairly easily. Look around the bottom of the exhaust cover. Check any water lines that may be lose. The water would have to run forward to get to the hole where the sfift rod comes up. Does the water run out all the time or just when trimmed up?


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

OutboardJim,<br />The water will run out all the time. However, sometimes it does it and other times it does not. I am going to try and get the boat into the water and look under the cowling to try and determine where it is coming out. So, are you referring to the gasket on the bottom of the motor where the motor is bolted to the leg? If so, could it be a come and go problem? I have checked the 1/4" hose from the back of the motor to the pee hole connector. It is in good shape.<br />Thanks.


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Here is my update. I determined that water is not running out of the cowling. However, it is coming somewhere directly under the bottom of the cowling. Motor still runs good and is not overheating. I did remove the lower unit again and replaced the two gaskets where the lower unit makes contact with the leg. I just wish I knew if this water leaking issue was normal. I really do not recall if water was coming from this location proir to doing the water pump kit change. I only notice the water when I am at higher RPM's. Any input?


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Update. I changed the gasket under the powerhead and still have a leak at higher RPM's. I did get the surfaces clean, etc... I think that the water maybe coming up the housing where the drive shaft comes through. Could I have done something incorrect when I installed the water pump kit? I do at times notice water coming out of the two exhaust holes on the backside of the leg. Thanks.


Rear Admiral
Oct 2, 2001
Re: leaking after water pump change

See if this helps.<br /><br /> johnnybigrigger <br />First Mate <br />Member # 24303 <br /><br /> posted June 12, 2003 09:00 AM <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Problem: I had warm exhaust water pouring from the area where the steering arm mounts to the engine at 4,000+ rpms(84, 185hp Evinrude).<br /><br />1. Posted my problem, and everybody responding agreed with me...power head gasket. I pulled the power head and found the base gasket leaking at the exhaust openings. Checked mating surfaces for straightness, and replaced the gasket with an OEM from my local dealer.<br /><br />2. Back to the water...still leaking. Spoke with a fellow that races OB's, and he said there was an updated gasket (thicker). Dealer called his parts rep for the number, and he had an aftermarket (updated) gasket in stock. Aftermarket parts rep confirmed...his gasket just as good as a OEM. R/R power head, and installed new gasket. Still leaked at 4,000rpms.<br /><br />3. Called around and found an OEM updated gasket at a dealer 50 miles away. Aftermarket rep wrong...the OEM was designed different from his. R/R powerhead, installed new style...still leaked at 4,000+ rpms.<br /><br />4. By now I can pull the power head in 15 minutes. What did I find? The OEM updated gasket was seated fine, but I still had water. It must be the exhaust housing...so I disassemble the entire middle housing. Everything is fine. Reassemble everything and back to the water without any of the cowling on the engine.<br /><br />5. With a friend driving the boat I check the temp of the water cascading from the top of the steering arm...it is cool. Not like before where it was warm from the engine. Back to the trailer, and this time I pulled the lower unit in the parking lot. The only place raw cool water could be coming from would be the pump. Pulled the water pump housing, removed the cup...the o-ring was missing that seals the cup to the upper housing. This was allowing water under pressure to fill the power shaft tube, and cascade over the steering arm. Found an o-ring at a local repair shop, reassembled, water test.... stopped and had a cold one on the way home in celebration.<br /><br />I learned a lesson over the last 7 days...check anything a previous owner has installed. I bought the engine from a friend (the fellow driving the boat). He admitted that was his first water pump replacement, and he had a few parts left over!<br /><br />just wanted to share my story<br /><br />--------------------<br />I am always at home on the water !<br /> <br /><br />c/6<br /><br />Hooty


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Thanks Hooty. I removed the lower unit and I too did not have the upper o-ring on top of the impeller. I put the correct o-ring in place and started the motor on the muffs and this time no water from shaft area, however now I am not getting water from the pee-hole. I was getting water from the pee-hole in about 2-3 seconds, now none. I have the impeller with the vains going to the right. Is there supposed to be an o-ring on both the top and bottom of the impeller? My impeller with a top and bottom o-rings in place protrudes out of the cup about 1/8"... Thanks.


Rear Admiral
Oct 2, 2001
Re: leaking after water pump change

Can't help with the o-rings. The only manual I have for a '90 is a Clymer and it doesn't show an exploded view of the pump.<br /><br />c/6<br /><br />Hooty


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

I have a Selco manual and it does not mention anything about the o-rings either. How hard would it be for the author to mention, "Make certain the o-ring are on the top and bottom of the impeller." (If that is to be the case.) This should not be this hard. Should I see water from the pee-hole within a few seconds???


Seaman Apprentice
May 14, 2002
Re: leaking after water pump change

Update. I finally go this issue licked. No o-ring goes on the top of the impeller only the bottom. Now I am pumping water and no leaking from driveshaft tube. Very important to have the o-ring in place between the stainless steel cup and the water pump housing. Thanks to all that helped.