lead core line


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
In a previous thread we discussed alternatives to down riggers and it caught my attention because I am an avid lead core fisherman.At least in fresh water situations.
I do have a few problems,which are mostly caused by lack of proper information and they mostly have to do with the amount of lead in the different thicknesses of line.
My original idea was that the thicker braids would also have the heavier(per foot) lead core so I bought 18 pound and 27 pound "Mason" lead core,thinking that the 27 pound test would be heavier and deeper in the water column.The different depths would prevent knotting up and would enable me to troll 2 lines.
Things worked out fine,except that the lighter line would usually catch the fish that showed up deeper on the fish finder.
I did some homework and found out that Mason uses the exact same amount of lead in its 18 and 27 pound lines,so my theory was upside down.The thicker strand was higher in the water column because of increased water resistance.
I did some further checking and I found out that only "Cortland" publishes the amount of lead per foot per thickness.Neither "Gudebrod" or Mason could do that for me.The Gudebrod manager I spoke told me did he had no idea how much lead goes in per foot.
I would like to know if any of you good people ever found out how much lead the different companies use per thickness, per foot.This would enable me to pick and choose my lines and decrease birdsnests.
Did any of you guys ever use lead core in salt water?