Late 50's early 60's Elgin problems. Please Help


Apr 26, 2009
Okay guys I finally got them both running (For ppl new to my engines I have two mates except carbs are different) I got them running and was out for about 4 hours today. I tore both down cleaned up all electronics, contacts and carbs. Both start first pull but I had problems with both today:

Motor 1: The blue one is in quite good shape and was told it runs like a gem (3 years ago) It ran very nice after it was warmed up... for about 5-6 seconds, then seems to starve of fuel. wait just a moment pull it again. Bang shes off purrs like a kitten takes full throttle then dies again. It did this all day so we stopped running it. The carb on this one has a Jet/plug for the float bowl on the bottom not sure which it is (high speed/low speed or just to empty the bowl it has a blunt end. Just above the bowl is two very small openings one says lean one says rich... Then there is an other jet on the opposite side right before he intake. Hope this discription is clear enough to for one of you to identify the carb and let me know how to set it up... also to mention this one has a cork float It isn't leaking fuel can the cork float cause any other problems?

Motor 2: This one also starts first pull EVERY time and we used it most of the day probably 2 hrs run time on it. It will run up near half throttle then hesitates all the way to full throttle. It runs very rich and the plug is soaked when I pull it out but like I said it ran for over 2 hrs today. I think its flooding its self... It ran up very strong once for a few mins then went back to its old ways. The carb on this one has has both jets on the front a course threaded one and fine threaded jet the one on the top is a smaller nob and the bottom one has the larger nob almost an inch in diameter... I think the top is low speed and the bottom is high speed.

I will post pics of the carbs soon.

Thanks in advance for all your help you guys are great!

Adrian R.


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May 15, 2009
Re: Late 50's early 60's Elgin problems. Please Help

Hi I am working on one of these elgin 2hp right now as well, just cleaned the carb..On the first engine, it sounds like fuel may be unable to get into the bowl fast enough to keep it running. I would pull the glass fuel bowl first (assumes you have the tillotson carb i have) and turn the gas on just to see the rate of fuel able to come in from the tank. if it seems adequate then really checking the float level ( I had to guess on mine with no specs) and aligned mine to close when it was even with the seam between the top and bottom halves of the carb, this allowed it the most downswing to open the needle to allow gas to enter. good luck.


Apr 26, 2009
Re: Late 50's early 60's Elgin problems. Please Help

Thanks Texwing, I suspect that as well for motor one. Starving for gas. It

checking the float level ( I had to guess on mine with no specs) and aligned mine to close when it was even with the seam between the top and bottom halves of the carb, this allowed it the most downswing to open the needle to allow gas to enter.

I never thought about that.. adjusting to open the needle further to allow more fuel to enter...

I'm going to focus on Motor #1 were I believe your right starving fuel should be an easy fix/solving problem, then when I know it runs great I'll switch the electronics to motor two to verify it not electronic. Like a coil breaking down at high RPM or something.