Re: Lake Anna?
Lake Anna was built as the cooling water source for the nuclear power plant which is on the lake. The lake is built so that the cooling water comes from the larger body of water. This side is know as the cool water side, or public side since it is open for all to use. The hot water discharge from the power plant empties into the private side of the lake, thus it's also called the hot water side. Lake access on the private side is restricted to the owners who live there and are not open for public use.
There are 3 dikes which separate the 2 sides of the lake from each other. Dike 3, is closest to the dam and has a low bridge which allows the water from the hot water side to return to the cool water side.
The private side has 3 lagoons, connected by canals. The hot water discharge from the power plane empties into lagoon 1. The water temp in lagoon 1 is warm enough that I find it uncomfortable to swim in during the summer. Lagoon 1 empties into lagoon 2 through a canal. Some parts of lagoon 2 can also be rather warm in the summer time. Lagoon 2 empties into lagoon 3 through another canal and then under the low bridge back to the cool water side. The warm water on the private side allows those that have access to extend their boating/skiing season.