knucklehead at launch


Seaman Apprentice
May 30, 2005
had a great day buzzing around in naragansett bay today, the bay was like a sheet of glass for the most part, finally made it out to Potters cove on prudence island, not bad for a 16' skiff.after capping of a good day with the wife, I head back to the launch. guy cuts me in line getting out,,aarrgg...then after the guy pulls his boat out he just sits there blocking the launch for 15 min. very warm tempers flaring..I think they were drinking so I just waited. finally another boat pulls up and the guy gives him the polite boot.<br />best ending to this story..the guys wife backs up the boat for him and jackknifes the trailer and keeps on pushing for 25 feet part of me was hoping the ball would snap off...poetic justice?? I vote for YES!!!!!..

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: knucklehead at launch

Originally posted by cistn:<br /> then after the guy pulls his boat out he just sits there blocking the launch for 15 min. .
You Yankees hold your tempers real well.<br /><br />A few years ago, I'd pulled my boat out of the water, and off to the side of the road leading to the ramp. That gave me, and everybody else plenty of room to move around, or get everything squared away to get into the lake, or back out of it & on the road.<br /><br />Once, I heard the yelling from the direction of the ramp. Turning, I saw a sight to behold.<br /><br /><br />One person had grab a$$$d around, jackniefed their rig, and blocked a 3 lane ramp.<br /><br />One thing led to another, and after the offending party bowed up like a cornered cat, and told everybody waiting to pretty much hump a stump,,,,,,,<br /><br />One guy started shooting a .22 pistol at a imaginary target uncomfortably close to the guys feet while he very politely asked him to 'hurry up'. <br /><br />Down here, a .22 is considered pretty wimpy. <br />But since he had two 1911 Colt .45s tucked in his belt while he shot the ground by the dum$ a$$e's feet with a .22,,,, nobody said much. <br /><br />Some would call it a miracle.. <br />I tried to take it all in stride. <br />But somehow, that boat ramp cleared in about 50 seconds.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

Originally posted by Winger Ed.:<br />
<br /><br />One guy started shooting a .22 pistol at a imaginary target uncomfortably close to the guys feet while he very politely asked him to 'hurry up'. <br /><br />Down here, a .22 is considered pretty wimpy.
Damn cowboys.... :D


Jul 31, 2003
Re: knucklehead at launch

What no 50 caliber available? <br /><br />Glad the wife jacked the trailer. :) Serves the idiot right! Actually you should be happy she did not snap off the ball you would still be there! :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 31, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

Originally posted by brother chris:<br /> Okay, boats and guns do not mix...especially at a boat ramp :eek:
They do in Texas! ;)


Jul 31, 2003
Re: knucklehead at launch

In New Mexico its the law to own a gun. :)
Jul 3, 2001
Re: knucklehead at launch

One guy started shooting a .22 pistol at a imaginary target uncomfortably close to the guys feet while he very politely asked him to 'hurry up'. <br /><br /><br />I think thats pretty STUPID. I think its in bad taste to even post a story like that because you are putting that type of behavior in someones head... <br /><br />What do you think would have happened if the joker that was getting shot at had waited til the shooter had turned away from him and pumped a few rounds into the shooters center mass? I will tell you from experience, working a crime scene (shooting) for something as stupid as that is really bad. Having to tell someones loved ones your husband or wife is dead because someone wouldnt move off the launching ramp quick enough.<br /><br />One more thing, I will be willing to bet the guy that started shooting has NEVER tried to help anyone at the launch sight huh??? Send the guy down here to Georgia and we can teach him some southern hospitality, how to help your neighbor not hurt him.<br /><br />Sorry guys and gals, things like that just burn me up is all, and thats my 2 cents worth.


Seaman Apprentice
May 30, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

I don't advocate guns to settle problems either, there are always more creative and entertaining ways to settle idiot stuff like this.almost sorry i started the thread, but I do understand how things can get out of control very quickly at the ramps, espically when people lack common sense and common courtiosy. must say after 30 launches and retrivials this year,,only met with 2 boneheads,,and thats saying something for the rest of good people..peace.....chuck


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 20, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

What's the big hurry, got to get home and watch reruns?? :p <br />Chill man.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: knucklehead at launch

I think thats pretty STUPID. I think its in bad taste to even post a story like that because you are putting that type of behavior in someones head... [/QB][/quote]<br /><br /><br />..................Hmmmm I was just thinking about shooting at people at the boat ramp. Don't know where I got the idea from though. :confused:


Seaman Apprentice
May 30, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

who the hell brought out the gun issues in the first place??? not me... i was just telling you people what happened.....sorry i even posted here now..

Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Re: knucklehead at launch

The problem with guns and "attitude" is that some people know how to deal with it while some just shoot before they assess the consequences. In 1987 I was visiting the USA and while there I tried to park a rental car at Hoover Dam. I was patiently waiting in line when a car coming from the opposite direction swung through an exit only sign and took the spot being vacated which I was waiting for. The driver of this monstrous convertible Pontiac was about 50, with a big belly, a comb-over and was dressed like a cowboy. He had his 'slap-on-as-much-make-up as-Avon-can-make-in-a-year'wife with him. I had my wife and newborn son with me. I approached the "gentleman" and politely asked why he thought he could barge in front of the queue and take someone who had been waiting for 15 minutes parking spot. He said, "well, son, it's my spot, I got here first and whatcha gonna do about it?" He then showed me a .45 Browning pistol while his wife said loudly to no one in particular, "I can't believe how assinine these tourists are!"<br />Not wishing to expose myself or my family to any potential danger I said, "OK, go ahead, the spot is yours, have a great day." I got back into my car and waited until the gun-toting cowboy and his wife wandered off. We didn't stay nor did we visit the dam, though I still wonder how he got home on four flat tyres with all valve stems removed. :rolleyes: <br />PS: If it was one of you guys who suffered at the hands of a somewhat irate Australian, I'll apologise for my behaviour now.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

What a loser! Flashing a firearm when you're the one in the wrong is really stupid. You did well to leave him to his idiocy. The valve stems? Well, I have a valve stem tool hanging on my truck's keychain. Works a treat on buttheads.

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: knucklehead at launch

" I still wonder how he got home on four flat tyres with all valve stems removed."<br />______________________________________________<br /><br />He has occupied that same parking spot since 1987 :D :D