kid killers....cowards


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
what in the h#ll is wroung with these pepole in isreal. if your pissed at someone take it to them personaly. in what plane of existance do these pepole think that killing a bus full of kids has any efect besides getting more pepole killed. if i was the leader of isreal i would'nt give a rats a$$ who said what, i would be all over these pepole like stink on sh!t. you just can't sit there while some cowards kill your kids no matter what. if all the middle eastern contries can't see that it has nothing to do with politiocal and every thing to do with stopping these COWARDS from killing children then how are they any better. every adult on this planet should be out like a linch mob looking for these COWARDS. man i hate these COWARDS. children are inocent and completely off limits to all violance and any offenders should be hunted down and tortured for months in public for all to see before they are hung. :mad: :mad: :mad: <br />pissed off redneckwood :mad:


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: kid killers....cowards

I agree.<br /><br />Pissed off redneck - Nope your a pissed off Father and Human just like the rest of us.<br /><br />Sadly, I doubt the differances over there will ever be settled by any means.<br /><br />Bob


Apr 20, 2002
Re: kid killers....cowards

These people have been killing each other longer than history can document it. They have a mindset that it is okay to kill any member of the other tribe from way back. Nothing we can do will change that. While I agree killing children is sick they on the other hand look at it like killing someone before he has a chance to kill you.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: kid killers....cowards

yeah, its depressing. those people are really striving for genocide, not just the barbaric slaughter in terrorism. i'm sure they'd be happy to just wipe out anyone not sharing their beliefs.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: kid killers....cowards

thats there sports / there entertainment.. draggin' a dead goat around on horseback & blowin' themselves up..


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: kid killers....cowards

pissed of dad is right on the money. come on, what in the wourld is in their minds? i can't even think of that if i tried. i just won't pop up in my head. i peel out on the road for revenge when my daughter falls off her bike and scrapes her knee on the asphalt. what in this wourld could be so important as to kill an inocent child over it. they say its a religious fight (jihad), bullsh!t... no religion i can think of says murder is ok, much less killing kids. they are missing a few key brain functions. in war pepole get killed and even kids sometimes, but they are surely never the main target. my uncle flew b 52s in veitnam and he just was sick about not being able to pick out who was getting hit and who was'nt. i know that it weighs heavy on him that inocent pepole and kids were getting hit. he has told me so. he is a preacher in califoria now. terrorisem is for pepole without balls enough to get it on in person. why dose one country have to own it and say the other can't visit there to pray anyway? why can't they all live in the holyland in peace? if they belive in god (witchever god is theirs) they can't belive in killing kids and inocent pepole. RRRRRRR :mad: <br />derwood


Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 11, 2002
Re: kid killers....cowards

in the 70s some genral for the U.S took some prisoners of war tied them up to a pole and then dipped his bullets in a pig that he killed in front of them he shot and killed 11 out of 12 of them, he then let the twelve guy go. there was piece for 10 years.... Pig is unclean