Keep mouth shut overload.


Apr 20, 2002
I am sure all married men on this forum can agree with me that we all have developed a KEEP MOUTH SHUT device. If we did not have it when we got married it came to us in short order after the first few "Honey I can..." or "Honey if I do it...". Well can anyone tell me how to keep the dadgum thing from overloading??? My wife and I are planning our yearly camping trip and I am tired of sleeping on the ground (airmatress but still ground) but we have to wait about 2 years or a little more before something gets paid off and then we can afford a camper. In comes the start of the problem she knows we have a fold away bed in the shed and wanted to dig it out and get it ready for putting in the tent for me to sleep on. I think it will mess up the tent and say not a good idea. My wife being who she is (a woman like most wives) is bound and determined to get it out and use it. In order to head her off and introduce my plan (not completed yet and definitely not ready for her) I state why don't we take the old (2 bed) slide in camper for the ranger and mount it on a trailer (which I have) and then re do the inside to make the lower bed bigger and then the kids get the upper bunk and we get the lower one which makes room for everyone. She sees a flaw or two which I had already worked out and once I solve it she goes nuts over the idea. At this point I am smug and confident that it will not take long and be done over the next couple of weekends if not the first week I am out. Then the creative side of her takes hold. (insert dramatic music) I now not only have to mount and redo the interior of the camper but now I have to make a lot of extra storage, make an outside fold out cook area and sink and several other nifty nice to have modifications she has come up with. My original dream idea was to have what amounted to a tent on wheels with a raised bed and perhaps a storage box now it is a total nightmare. What I should have done was not tell her a thing and just do it but in order to avoid extra work I let my device overload and now have 10 times or more as much work. Somedays a man can't win. <br />BTW with all the modifications and such she came up with so quick you might think she already thought of the same idea and maybe was trying to get me to come up with it. Also she named the project so it really looks suspicious.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Hmmm.<br /><br />Peter, every now and then I get reminded how fortunate I was to have the wife I had.<br /><br />She asked for so little and encouraged my plans so often that when she did ask for something I would usually move mountains to fill her request.<br /><br />On those very rare occasions that she had an unrealistic idea (or I had one) we just sat on the porch with a pot of tea and traded honesty until we had a plan we could both live with.<br /><br />I recommend it. Tell her what you have told us, but focus on outcomes and cost, or even the other things that would have to be put aside to get it done. Bottom line? Tell her you don't want to do it all, just what you can comfortably get done in time. Settle for what you can comfortably get done.<br /><br />Good luck. :)


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Agree with JB <br />Am gald to finally know what to call that device, HERSELf calls it "its not your idea, just work with me" even if it was my idea.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Ok, you got the camper on wheels. <br />Done.<br />Set up the tent for the kids and keep the camper for mom and dad.<br />Don't give in and do all the extras. Take the advice that comedians live by: Always leave 'em wanting more.<br />This way she will want the new camper too, and sooner.<br /><br />Now if she wanted a fold out fish cleaning station with mosquito netting, and a roof top locking rod locker, that would be a different set of circumstances.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

I will have to go along with JB on this one.<br /><br />After 32 years of marriage, I would have to say that my wife has ask for very little and has put up with my, wanting this and wanting that, and when she does want something, I do it because of that very reason.<br /><br />As far as the outside cooking station, load the grill up on that trailer too and take it along, or better still, build a campfire and cook over it.<br /><br />UMMMM, a big potatoe wrapped in foil, stuck in them hot embers, along with some corn on the cob, and a some big ol crappie slabs just waiting on the hot grease.<br /><br />Dang!!! I'm gona have to get me some breakfast now. :)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 3, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

my .02 cant live with them cant live without them. At the end of the day just do it and forget about it. It will keep you out of the house as the weather gets warmer and the end result Im sure will make you both proud


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Do what my hubby does. Get what you want done first and screw up what she wants done. ;) <br /><br />Honestly, most women do turn a small project into a major undertaking. We can't help it. We know from the many years of bragging that you men can do most anything. So we push for more and capitalize on your ideas.<br /><br />Roscoe seems to have a good understanding of this and I totally agree with him.<br /><br />I'm sure she'll be happy with any effort you put forth to make sleeping more comfortable. :)


Nov 29, 2000
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Just rent a nice tent trailer. For about three hundred you can get a top o' the line model for the week.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

Okay today I got everything moved into the big project work area. Of course even though I had this idea many years ago when I first got the camper from my uncle and never brought it up because we used the ranger to haul it she now thinks it was all her idea. I got her straightened out on all the extras, I can try to get them done but as long as we have it mounted and road ready that is what counts. We want this for weekend trips during the summer as well as week long ones. We can hit a state park on the beach and camp for $20 a night (may have gone up a little) and the way I figure off the ground and everything ready in trailer form I can hook up and we can be gone as soon as the swimsuits and such are packed because a couple rods and tackle live in the truck. The problem is no boat but anywhere we will want to wekend trip to I won't necessarly need the boat to fish. Here is where I get devious :D . We go the weekend I leave the camper set up and take them home Sunday then haul the boat down for a week of fishing then come back with boat Friday afternoon and take them back and we haul it all home Sunday. She goes to work Grandma gets to keep the kids during the week and I am free. The wife wants me to take pictures during various stages and of course I think it is a good idea so I will post them all here when i get the project finished or as the pictures become available (still waiting on the Digital camera should be here soon). I still think this is gonna be a headache or two but I also think it will be fun.


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Keep mouth shut overload.

sorry.... I posted here but thought I was posting to a different topic?