JW-10 starts runs for a a minute or two then shuts off, can restart but shuts off quickly


Jun 10, 2021
The JW-10 has new coils, new condensers, plugs, and plug wires, Plugs are gapped, points have been cleaned and set. New carburetor kits. It was disassembled, soaked in carb cleaner in the can overnight. Ran down the carburetor passages with a wire tool and clean with air from the compressor. I also cleaned the tank and the internal filter and looked at the flow through the tank valve to make sure there is good flow. set everything based on the documentation I can find.
It starts right up but as I am trying to set the high and low, it will shut off. I do not mean you turned the screw too far off, just shutting off. It will start a couple of times after that but only run for a few seconds. The next day I can fire it right up and it does the exact same thing. It seems to get hot, But I do not know what the norm is so I cannot say it is running too hot. There is water coming out but it is not a whole lot, but I also know the intake tube is not that large and I did clean out around the cylinders when I have the head off to clean the passages, I also have a new impeller in it.
does anyone have thoughts as to why it may be shutting down?


Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
try to run it with fuel cap OFF ...

IF OK clean two VERY small vent holes under the vent screw

...which you did open :)

did you clean the low speed circuit under the dime size plug on top....


Jun 10, 2021
Thanks for the Reply
I did pull the plug on the low-speed circuit and made sure the holes were clean, pressed the new plug in with a punch, but not too hard. Then put an unneeded small film of RTV on top. As for the fuel filter in the tank that was mentioned, I did run a visual flow test on it, and it has a consistent flow. When it happed last time, it shut off the fuel and pulled the carb and the bowel was full of fuel. Does anyone know what the rate of volume of fuel versus time is? I can check that again and verify.


Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
fuel oil mix ok ??

how was that JW before your changes/work

JWs get hot in a tub (turbulence) how is it on the lake ??


Jun 10, 2021
I bought it a year ago with a boat from 1963. The Spark plugs looked like they were from the 50 maybe 60's the coils were so old they were all cracked up. So I have no idea how it ever ran before. I was wondering about the turbulence I am running it in a 35-gallon trash can with a lid on it to keep the water in the can. The fuel to oil I used, was 24 to 1, it does seem to smoke a lot. But I have never run an outboard in a can like this. So I do not know what to expect. I did not see or feel a ridge on the top of the cylinders when the head was off. Like you would see on a worn engine.


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
That filter can fool you. With a nearly full tank, the whole filter is submerged and passing fuel. With half a tank, only the bottom half is submerged (and that's the dirty half).


Jun 10, 2021
I wonder if running in the trash can and heating up, is possibly causing a vapor lock in the fuel system. The tube from the fuel tank to the carb, is definitely very warm when it shuts off, not enough to burn, but very warm. I am doing this in my garage here in Phoenix AZ. So we are at 105+ when we start the motor.


Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
if the impeller is ok and key is in it will cool itself but bubly water in a drum is like sucking coke in a straw.... the impeller can't pump bubbles....

try the motor in open water

you can remove the filter in the tank and install a small lawnmower gravity filter between tank and carb . they work for lawn tractors so they will work in your JW space permitting ... get the small red/round ones and change it every year.

check compression .. just for fun and report #s back here

did you check 2 venting holes in the fuel cap ... look closely you will find them

did you try to run with no fuel cap. ...for a while any results ???

did you do a blow test on the carb before reinstalling...??

up side====> air goes in

upside down no air goes in the carb


Jun 10, 2021
New impeller, good key and is pumping steady water. I will try the bubble filter. Did try to run it with the gas cap removed no difference. Did do a blow test that used compressed air and was just putting my finger on the needle slightly and it easily seals, and lifting my finger up off of the needle slightly air passed easily. I will need to get a compression tester, to check. I will post the readings. It may all go back to needing to run it in open water. I believe after the compression test, I will just wait until I can get it on a lake, then see what happens. Thanks, everyone for the input.


Vice Admiral
Nov 5, 2006
do the blow est with mouth air pressure blowing in the inlet nipple then turn the carb upside down to blow air . doing it manually by pushing on the needle against compressed air is not the usual way to do it.

see if you can feel good suction on the carb face when cranking .. it is needed to venturi (vaporize) the carb fuel in the crankcase .

make certain the float is level with the carb body when held upside down



Jun 10, 2021
Did a compression test, and have 70 in each cylinder. This was dry, the fuel off, and has not run in two weeks.