Just venting but very Frustrated !

81 Checkmate

Jul 20, 2010
To begin with I know that the site is trying to work out all the bugs on this new format. I have been a member since 2010, which by some forum standards is not very long…… I use this site on a daily basics and would not know what I know now if it was not here. So thank you for that
But in the Merc I/O forum (old format) when you posted a thread a number of people would give their suggestions….most of them were the experts on the forum. That is why I keep coming back…… Because of the knowledge so I can do it myself.

Here is my issue….I took my drive apart to repair u-joints and oil seals and posted about my problems so I could order parts and get it back together by the weekend. That’s not going to happen!

My complaint list
  1. My pictures did not show up…….no one can tell what’s wrong with out pic’s
  2. Looked in the sticky’s and found some info I needed…but my problem is specific and is a lot different than the run of the mill
  3. A few responses about not seeing pics
  4. Tried to reload…but to no avail
  5. Only one person responded that I felt had the knowledge….And he responded with short answers….Thanks BT Doctor
  6. None of the usual experts responded
  7. Still have not received the answer I’m looking for so I know what to do with my outdrive..Is it scrap or can i order new parts and save it.
  8. I know we all have jobs...i have a job also! Someone sugested to use photo bucket...I can not.. my work will not alow us to use that site.Barracuda out!
  9. Maybe its me that they dont like?
Sorry.. I still love iboats… but very frustrating………..Next time please forewarn everyone that you are about to make a major change. Then we as boaters can prepare for the worst.



Staff member
May 29, 2003
Checkmate, your pain is felt my many, if not all. Know that iboats tried to make sure the upgrade would go smoothly with behind the scenes testing and tweaking. But when it came time to change, well, we all know the difficulties that have been had. iboats is working tirelessly and with the software people to remedy the issues and bring iboats back to what it once was, and then some. In the last couple days, it has gotten better. It will come, but it is a work in progress. Till we are back to 100% and above, please be patient. There are still good people here that are trying to help. Again, we are sorry for what you are going through and are working to make your experience better.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I have no problem posting pix that remain visible. USE PHOTOBUCKET if you think you need pix to help w/ your descriptions, and I agree, pix are important to a lot of what gets asked & answered here. Even if you HATE it & CAN'T stand using another online site just for pix, it WORKS. When the chaos & difficulties end, go back to however you posted pix before if you wish. But, IMO, as a very active poster, having the pix IN a post rather then as an attachment is significantly better to understand a question and provide answers.

Upload the pix to a photobucket acct, and there will be an IMG code for each pix. Copy that code & paste it in your posts. It looks like this:

And the pix show up:

I know it's another step, but it will accomplish your goal. And HAS been working.

81 Checkmate

Jul 20, 2010
I here ya JB....I do of my posting from work and i tried the photbucket method and our work server blocks us out...say's it's entertainment or something like that....LOL.. not aloud to have any fun at work. Im lucky that i can get my iboats fix at work and it dont block me...thank godness. My home purter is a piece of crap and i dont have any of my pic's on this putter....so thats why i do it at work.

Ill just have to deal with it for now...hope they get it straighten out....

P.S. i feel better now. I was just very frustrated today becouse im old and i dont like technolgy.....to much tech these day's and the world would better if it slowed down abit.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
Yeah, work sucks :watermelon:

But if you quit, not only will you be unable to purchase a new 'puter for use solely w/ iboats & pix of your projects, you won't have any money to spend on boats :(

So toil away at the daily grind we do

Oh wee oh:

Test to see if video posts ^^^