Re: Just need an answer
Think about it there bulldog, it's a 21 foot boat with only a 4 cylinder engine, probably an AQ125 engine (115 or 120 hp depending on rather an A or B model). Todays boats in the 21 foot range run 4.3L V6 or V8 engines. The boats were very lightly built so they would go with the little 4 cylinder engine, but the hulls are a semi-displacement design and were designed for speeds in the 15 to 20 mph range.<br />If you were planning on water sking or wake boarding, tubing etc, forget it. If you was wanting a boat for fishing with only two or 3 people on board, they will work fine.<br />The drives are bullet proof and with care will last forever. The engines are expensive to buy parts for but run great when kept tuned up.