Just curious about rotor... 1970 115


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
I've done alot of looking at this engine recently and one thing has got me confused.... How in the heck does the rotor really work in this motor... I know what it does and how it does it but a rotor turns.. and in this one what keeps it from stopping?<br /><br />Looked in manual and no say... <br /><br />Heres the issue... Fixed reeds and took her out, Running good but still a bit slow to plane and it again jumped up in RPM's and speed (believe it was from faulty idle valve seats) But then it just stopped... couldn't get it started for the life of me, So I got her back home (why? don't know must be glutten for punishment) and started takin it apart thinking I sheard a key... took the flywheel off and key still good... looked at rotor, distributor and coils and all seemed well there also. I put it back together not moving anything but the rotor and she runs fine now?<br /><br />So what keeps that darn thing turning??? Am I missing something I don't know I should have. I have the round spring clip thing but is this really all that is there??


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Just curious about rotor... 1970 115

Not really sure what youre asking but if youre asking what makes the rotor turn -- the crankshaft. The rotor is seated on the crank in those notches and has to turn with the crank. What do you mean by "what keeps it from stopping"?<br /><br />What do you mean by "faulty idle valve seats"?


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: Just curious about rotor... 1970 115

About the rotor.... The bottom of mine is flat... and shows no signs that there was ever any notches on it. That is why I am wondering what keeps it from stopping during travel. What I am thinking is that during it's rotation.... It stops moving. <br /><br />About the idle valve seats... I guess what I ment were the idle needle valve retainer... when I put the needle in it was extremely loose on both the barrels on top carb... so I replaced them and my surging engine stopped.


Supreme Mariner
Feb 4, 2001
Re: Just curious about rotor... 1970 115

There will be a notch on the bottom of the rotor near the inside of the hole. And a corrosponding notch on the crank. Otherwise the rotor would just sit down anywhere and never be lined up to fire in the correct order or time.