I bought these 2 motors as parts motors. They are complete except for 1 missing starter. I did a compression test on both today, Not good news! I was hoping to make a good engine from both of these. However the compression in both of them is not good. I don't know what the specs are supposed to be but here is what I got. I know they are all supposed to be close. First engine had 110psi on top 118 next one down 125psi on 3rd one down, and 150psi on the bottom. Plugs were black as night. It also had signs of moisture inside the oil pan. I noticed this when I removed the starter to put on the other engine for testing. Engine #2 showed no signs of water in oil pan. Installed starter. top cylinder had about 70psi, next one had about 68psi, next one had 50psi and the bottom one has about 24psi. Plugs looked like new. LOL Ok so here are the questions??? Is there something simple that can cause this bad compression? If not is it worth doing some type of rebuild on one of them? Or should I just do what I did and resell them for parts to recoup my funds? Both lower units seem to be fine both stainless props are like new.